Research and Scholarly Activity

The Department of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine has an active research program that provides ample opportunities for medical students and residents to participate with faculty in research and scholarly activities. We offer experiences that enable discovery and promote creativity. As a department we are committed to pursuing inquiry, disseminating knowledge, and fostering critical thinking that encourages lifelong learning. Research is offered on a longitudinal basis for all trainees and also a full block experience for residents interested in pursuing a career in which a research base is helpful. 

Research and Scholarly Activity, 2018-23

Research and Scholarly Activity 2018-2023 - Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine

Recent Publications

  • Al-Nassan A., Almanaseer T., Malkawi S., Al-Bitar F., Jibrin D., El-Qurnah O., Bataineh S., Kamal M., Abu-Shanab M., Sultan I. Journal of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology. 2024

  • Apple R.W., Rausch R.A., Holowicki A.N. The eight psychological treatment schemas for adolescents diagnosed with type 1 diabetes Pediatric Medicine. 2024;7

  • Bejma T.A., Beidler W.S., VanSickle E.A., Prokop J.W., Brown W.T., Scheurer-Monaghan A., Rossetti L.Z. Expansion of the phenotypic spectrum of KARS1-related disorders to include arthrogryposis multiplex congenita and summary of experiences with lysine supplementation American Journal of Medical Genetics, Part A. 2024

  • Belachew B., Damashek A., Presberry J., O鈥橰ourke B., Bautista T.M., Kothari C. Child Maltreatment. 2024;29:508-515.

  • Buxton B., Elliott K., Schwalm C. Pediatric Blood and Cancer. 2024;71

  • Chen C.W., Serata E., Scheub R., Dassau T., Wasserman R.M., Anderson B.J., Volkening L.K., Laffel L.M. Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice. 2024;212

  • Dickson C.A., Ergun-Longmire B., Greydanus D.E., Eke R., Giedeman B., Nickson N.M., Hoang L.N., Adabanya U., Payares D.V.P., Chahin S., McCrary J., White K., Moon J.H., Haitova N., Deleon J., Apple R.W. Disease-a-Month. 2024;70

  • Ehsan L., Fealko C., Maharaj D., Huffman C., Behrle N. Pediatric electrocardiogram interpretation improvement and confidence assessment for resident physicians via training skills workshop Progress in Pediatric Cardiology. 2024;72

  • Ehsan L., Thoe J.A., Parent J.J., Fakhoury J.D. Cardiology in the Young. 2024;34:448-451.

  • Ergun-Longmire B., Clemente E., Vining-Maravolo P. Introduction to special series: "Clinical Pearls in Pediatric Endocrinology and Metabolism" Pediatric Medicine. 2024;7

  • Ergun-Longmire B., Clemente E., Vining-Maravolo P. Introduction to special series: "Clinical Pearls in Pediatric Endocrinology and Metabolism" Pediatric Medicine. 2024;7

  • Ergun-Longmire B., Greydanus D.E. Disease-a-Month. 2024;70

  • Foxworthy B., Dai C., Davis E.C., Xavier A.C., Brackett J., Dickens D., Kahn A., Martinez I., Sharma A., Schwalm C., Foley J., Wilkes J., Bhatia S., Levine J.M., Johnston E.E., Wolfson J.A. Pediatric Blood and Cancer. 2024;71

  • Gates K., Chahin S., Damashek A., Dickson C., Lubwama G., Lenz D., Bautista T., Kothari C. Maternal and Child Health Journal. 2024;28:1061-1071.

  • Goetting M.G. Sleep Disorders: Overlooked Lifestyle Factors that Clinicians Should Consider Integrative and Complementary Therapies. 2024;30:53-56.

  • Green D.M., Lahiri T., Raraigh K.S., Ruiz F., Spano J., Antos N., Bonitz L., Christon L., Gregoire-Bottex M., Hale J.E., Langfelder-Schwind E., La Parra Perez 脕., Maguiness K., Massie J., McElroy-Barker E., McGarry M.E., Mercier A., Munck A., Oliver K.E., Self S., Singh K., Smiley M., Snodgrass S., Tluczek A., Tuley P., Lomas P., Wong E., Hempstead S.E., Faro A., Ren C.L. Pediatrics. 2024;153

  • Greydanus D.E., Nazeer A., Qayyum Z., Patel D.R., Rausch R., Hoang L.N., Miller C., Chahin S., Apple R.W., Saha G., Prasad Rao G., Javed A. Disease-a-Month. 2024;70

  • Greydanus D.E., Patel D.R., Dickson C.A. Abuse in adolescents and young adults Child Maltreatment. An Introduction to the Medical Evaluation. 2024:267-281.

  • Greydanus D.E., Patel D.R., Dickson C.A. Abuse in adolescents and young adults Child Maltreatment. An Introduction to the Medical Evaluation. 2024:267-281.

  • Greydanus D.E., Patel D.R., Dickson C.A. Abuse in adolescents and young adults Child Maltreatment. An Introduction to the Medical Evaluation. 2024:267-281.

  • Kazi R., Hoyle J.D., Huffman C., Ekblad G., Ruffing R., Dunwoody S., Hover T., Cody S., Fales W. Prehospital Emergency Care. 2024;28:43-49.

  • Mamoori H.J., Al-Majali J., Shibli D.R., Al-Ani A., Jibrin D., Al-Jarrah R., Khader O., Jaber A., Al-Huneidy Y., Al-Huneidy L., Al-Nabelsi M.B., AlQutob R. Waste Management and Research. 2024;42(4):335-343.

  • Martin C.E., Kuhn A.K., Leopold K.N., Creo A.L., Schoettler P.J., Allen-Rhoades W.A. Pediatric Blood and Cancer. 2024;71

  • Merrick J., Greydanus D.E. Children, disability and abuse Child Maltreatment. An Introduction to the Medical Evaluation. 2024:253-266.

  • Nisar M.I., das S., Khanam R., Khalid J., Chetia S., Hasan T., Shahid S., Marijani M.L., Ahmed S., Khalid F., Ali S.M., Chowdhury N.H., Mehmood U., Dutta A., Rahman S., Qazi M.F., Deb S., Mitra D.K., Usmani A.A., Dhingra U., Raqib R., Manu A., Yoshida S., Minckas N., Bahl R., Baqui A.H., Sazawal S., Jehan F. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth. 2024;24

  • Palusci V.J., Nazer D., Greydanus D.E., Merrick J. Child maltreatment. An introduction to the medical evaluation Child Maltreatment. An Introduction to the Medical Evaluation. 2024:1-381.

  • Palusci V.J., Nazer D., Greydanus D.E., Merrick J. How to use this book Child Maltreatment. An Introduction to the Medical Evaluation. 2024:3-8.

  • Patel D.R., Bovid K.M., Rausch R., Ergun-Longmire B., Goetting M., Merrick J. Cerebral palsy in children: A clinical practice review Current Problems in Pediatric and Adolescent Health Care. 2024

  • Patel D.R., Bovid K.M., Rausch R., Ergun-Longmire B., Goetting M., Merrick J. Cerebral palsy in children: A clinical practice review Current Problems in Pediatric and Adolescent Health Care. 2024

  • Patel D.R., Bovid K.M., Rausch R., Ergun-Longmire B., Goetting M., Merrick J. Cerebral palsy in children: A clinical practice review Current Problems in Pediatric and Adolescent Health Care. 2024

  • Porter-Stransky K.A., Horneffer-Ginter K.J., Bauler L.D., Gibson K.M., Haymaker C.M., Rothney M. BMC Medical Education. 2024;24

  • Proper S.P., Dwyer A.T., Appiagyei A., Felton J.M., Ben-Baruch Morgenstern N., Marlman J.M., Kotliar M., Barski A., Troutman T.D., Rothenberg M.E., Mersha T.B., Azouz N.P. Aryl hydrocarbon receptor and IL-13 signaling crosstalk in human keratinocytes and atopic dermatitis Frontiers in Allergy. 2024;5

  • Schoettler P.J., Smith C.C., Nishitani M., Harris A.K., Nelson A.T., Watson D.A., Kamihara J., Mullen E.A., Hill D.A., Messinger Y.H., Fair D.B., Kumar K.A., Dehner L.P., Ash S., Chen K.S., Schultz K.A.P. Pediatric Blood and Cancer. 2024;71

  • Vining Maravolo P.J., Clemente E.G. A narrative review of type 2 diabetes mellitus and its management in children and adolescents Pediatric Medicine. 2024;7

  • Wolfson J.A., Davis E.S., Saha A., Martinez I., McCall D., Kothari P., Kothari P., Brackett J., Dickens D.S., Kahn A.R., Schwalm C., Schwalm C., Sharma A., Richman J., Cuglievan B., Bhatia S., Dai C., Levine J.M., Johnston E.E., Aftandilian C., Agrawal A.K., De Angulo G., Aristizabal P., Bailey K., Bardwell J.K., Becton D.L., Bemrich-Stolz C.J., Boal L.H., Boston C.W.H., Bradfield S.M., Caywood E.H., Chou A., Cohn S.M., Colace S.I., Coven S.L., Cramer S.L., Dargart J.L., Daghistani D., Dhir A., Dumitriu A., Eslin D.E., Esquilin J.M., Feinberg S.L., Ferdjallah A., Fernandez K.S., Fixler J., Foley J.M., Gampel B.H., Glasser C.L., Goodman J.F., Gotesman M., Gowans L.K., Gupta A., HaDuong J.H., Halpern S.L., Hara H.K., Hartman L.R., Herring K.L., Hesko C.S., Aguayo-Hiraldo P., Hoeft A.K., Hu C.Y., Huo J.S., Ikeda A.K., Isakoff M.S., Jain A., Krajewski J.A., Kram D.E., Krystal J.I., Kyono W.T., Langevin M.A., Hayes-Lattin B., Law J., Lorenzana A.N., Lotterman C.D., Majlessipour F., Marri P.R., Massey G.V., Monteleone P.M., Moskop A.M., Mowbray C., Navalkele P.D., Olson J.F., Ostrodka L., O'Suoji C.C., Patel P.A., Pawlowska A., Perl A.S., Pinchinat A.E., Prasad P.K., Rangaswami A.A., Raulji C.M., Rico J.F., Salman E.K., SantaCruz N.P., Sarangi S.N., Shaw P.H., Simon D.C., Slayton W.B., Smith A.A. Journal of the National Cancer Institute. 2024;116:1366-1373.

  • Apple R.W. The coping and adaptation to chronic illness and disability for children and adolescents: A focus on cystic fibrosis Chronic Disease and Disability: The Pediatric Gastrointestinal Tract, Second Edition. Overview with Perspectives of History, Nutrition and Behavioral Pediatrics. 2023:253-267.

  • Bacopoulou F., Greydanus D.E. Pediatric obesity psychopharmacology: Quo vadis? Chronic Disease and Disability: The Pediatric Gastrointestinal Tract, Second Edition. Overview with Perspectives of History, Nutrition and Behavioral Pediatrics. 2023:169-192.

  • Bernier A., Fung J., Ergun-Longmire B. A narrative review: polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and type 1 diabetes (T1D) Pediatric Medicine. 2023;6

  • Bupp C.P., Ames E.G., Arenchild M.K., Caylor S., Dimmock D.P., Fakhoury J.D., Karna P., Lehman A., Meghea C.I., Misra V., Nolan D.A., O鈥橲hea J., Sharangpani A., Franck L.S., Scheurer-Monaghan A. Breaking Barriers to Rapid Whole Genome Sequencing in Pediatrics: Michigan鈥檚 Project Baby Deer Children. 2023;10

  • Chahin S., Morse M., Qaddoumi I., Phipps S., Crabtree V.M.L., Brennan R.C., Wilson M.W., Rodriguez-Galindo C., Russell K.M., Parris K., Goode K., Willard V.W. Sleep Medicine. 2023;103:123-130.

  • Com G., Santhanam H., Ergun-Longmire B. Respiratory system abnormalities in Prader-Willi syndrome: a literature review Pediatric Medicine. 2023;6

  • Damashek A., Berman A., Belachew B., Kothari C. Infant Mental Health Journal. 2023;44:117-124.

  • DeLeon J., Shrestha M., Mahmood Z., Patel D.R. Encopresis Chronic Disease and Disability: The Pediatric Gastrointestinal Tract, Second Edition. Overview with Perspectives of History, Nutrition and Behavioral Pediatrics. 2023:195-205.

  • Delgado A.M., Shah K., Greydanus D.E., Rowlett J.D. Perspectives on acute abdominal pain in adolescents and young adults: A clinically challenging conundrum Chronic Disease and Disability: The Pediatric Gastrointestinal Tract, Second Edition. Medical and Surgical Perspectives including Infection and Pain. 2023:375-397.

  • Douglas E., Hodgson K.A., Olsen J.E., Manley B.J., Roberts C.T., Josev E., Anderson P.J., Doyle L.W., Davis P.G., Cheong J.L.Y., Boland R., Burnett A., Charlton M., Clark M., Davis N., Duff J., Hickey L., Johnston E., Lee K., Mainzer R., McDonald M., Novella B., Opie G., Pigdon L., Roberts G., Scott K., Spittle A., Stevens P., Stewart A., Turner A.M., Woods T. Acta Paediatrica, International Journal of Paediatrics. 2023;112:1226-1232.

  • Eke R., Greydanus D.E., Atay O. Pediatric inflammatory bowel disease Chronic Disease and Disability: The Pediatric Gastrointestinal Tract, Second Edition. Medical and Surgical Perspectives including Infection and Pain. 2023:3-18.

  • Ergun-Longmire B., Greydanus D.E., Patel D.R. Pediatric Annals. 2023;52:e207-e212.

  • Ergun-Longmire B., Lorber A., Sila Z., Szabadi S. The endocrinology of the gut Chronic Disease and Disability: The Pediatric Gastrointestinal Tract, Second Edition. Medical and Surgical Perspectives including Infection and Pain. 2023:131-150.

  • Ergun-Longmire B., Vining-Maravolo P., Graham B., Greydanus D.E. A narrative review: treatment outcomes of central precocious puberty (CPP) Pediatric Medicine. 2023;6

  • Ergun-Longmire B., Vining-Maravolo P., Graham B., Greydanus D.E. A narrative review: treatment outcomes of central precocious puberty (CPP) Pediatric Medicine. 2023;6

  • Ergun-Longmire B., Vining-Maravolo P., Graham B., Greydanus D.E. A narrative review: treatment outcomes of central precocious puberty (CPP) Pediatric Medicine. 2023;6

  • Fledderman N.M., Slavin L.J., Drevon D.D., Soares N.S. Mixed methods analysis of reflective statements of residents following the developmental-behavioral pediatric rotation Pediatric Medicine. 2023;6

  • Fledderman N.M., Slavin L.J., Drevon D.D., Soares N.S. Mixed methods analysis of reflective statements of residents following the developmental-behavioral pediatric rotation Pediatric Medicine. 2023;6

  • Greydanus D.E. JAMA Network Open. 2023;6:E2318901.

  • Greydanus D.E., Atay O. Preface Chronic Disease and Disability: The Pediatric Gastrointestinal Tract, Second Edition. Medical and Surgical Perspectives including Infection and Pain. 2023:xiii-xxx.

  • Greydanus D.E., Atay O., Eke R., Melgar T.A., Merrick J. Chronic disease and disability: The pediatric gastrointestinal tract, Second edition. Overview with perspectives of history, nutrition and behavioral pediatrics Chronic Disease and Disability: The Pediatric Gastrointestinal Tract, Second Edition. Overview with Perspectives of History, Nutrition and Behavioral Pediatrics. 2023:1-308.

  • Greydanus D.E., Atay O., Eke R., Melgar T.A., Merrick J. Chronic disease and disability: The pediatric gastrointestinal tract, second edition. medical and surgical perspectives including infection and pain Chronic Disease and Disability: The Pediatric Gastrointestinal Tract, Second Edition. Medical and Surgical Perspectives including Infection and Pain. 2023:1-472.

  • Greydanus D.E., Atay O., Eke R., Melgar T.A., Merrick J. Preface Chronic Disease and Disability: The Pediatric Gastrointestinal Tract, Second Edition. Overview with Perspectives of History, Nutrition and Behavioral Pediatrics. 2023:xiii-xxiii.

  • Greydanus D.E., Atay O., Eke R., Merrick J. The history of the Hepato-Biliary system: From Prometheus to the prodigious pantheons of progress in the past and present Chronic Disease and Disability: The Pediatric Gastrointestinal Tract, Second Edition. Overview with Perspectives of History, Nutrition and Behavioral Pediatrics. 2023:23-65.

  • Greydanus D.E., Atay O., Eke R., Merrick J. The medical history of the knowledge learned about the gastrointestinal tract Chronic Disease and Disability: The Pediatric Gastrointestinal Tract, Second Edition. Overview with Perspectives of History, Nutrition and Behavioral Pediatrics. 2023:3-21.

  • Greydanus D.E., Dickson C.A., Rowland D.C. Chronic disease and the dying adolescent Chronic Disease and Disability: The Pediatric Gastrointestinal Tract, Second Edition. Overview with Perspectives of History, Nutrition and Behavioral Pediatrics. 2023:269-282.

  • Greydanus D.E., Dickson C.A., Rowland D.C. Chronic disease and the dying adolescent Chronic Disease and Disability: The Pediatric Gastrointestinal Tract, Second Edition. Overview with Perspectives of History, Nutrition and Behavioral Pediatrics. 2023:269-282.

  • Greydanus D.E., Ergun-Longmire B., Cabral M.D., Patel D.R., Dickson C.A. Disease-a-Month. 2023;69

  • Greydanus D.E., Patel D.R., Merrick J. Role of gender and neurodevelopmental disabilities Neurodevelopmental Pediatrics: Genetic and Environmental Influences. 2023:675-683.

  • Greydanus D.E., Patel D.R., Merrick J. Role of gender and neurodevelopmental disabilities Neurodevelopmental Pediatrics: Genetic and Environmental Influences. 2023:675-683.

  • Hamdan M., Haddad B.I., Isleem U., Yasin M., Alrabayah M., Al Hawamdeh H., Almasaid S., Jibrin D., Daas M., AlRyalat S.A., Ali Alshrouf M. The Effect of a Single Intravenous Corticosteroid Administration on Pain after Knee Arthroscopy: A Prospective, Double-Blind, Non-Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial Journal of Clinical Medicine. 2023;12(1)

  • Kuchipudi Y.S., Rule A., Caldwell A., Fenchel M., Bosse D., Schuler C.L., Jones Y.O., Goldstein L., Mendoza J., Hofto M.E., O'Brien S., Cameron M., Wickremasinghe W., Ostermeier A., Stapler B., Bhavsar K., Fakhoury J., Allen A., Nagappan S., Lancaster J., Dyer H., Calderoni C.B., Lykes J.B., Dawlett M., Drewry M., Lewis E.C., Marlowe L., Le A.V. Hospital Pediatrics. 2023;13:1039-1047.

  • Martin S.D., Davis E.S., Dai C., Boal L.H., Araya B., Brackett J., Dickens D., Kahn A., Martinez I., Sharma A., Schwalm C., Aguayo-Hiraldo P., Bhatia S., Levine J.M., Johnston E.E., Wolfson J.A. JAMA Oncology. 2023;9:1108-1112.

  • Nohomovich B., Nguyen M.H.N., Fakhoury J., Cameron R.C., Gomes T. Down Syndrome Patients with Congenital Portosystemic Shunts: A Case Report and Review Case Reports in Gastroenterology. 2023;17:367-375.

  • Patel D.R., Agnetta A., Shrestha M. Malnutrition Chronic Disease and Disability: The Pediatric Gastrointestinal Tract, Second Edition. Overview with Perspectives of History, Nutrition and Behavioral Pediatrics. 2023:107-114.

  • Pierce J.S., Enlow P., Thomas C., Price J., Wasserman R., Wysocki T., Alderfer M.A. Parent and Adolescent Perspectives on a Novel Transdisciplinary Model of Health Care Delivery for Type 1 Diabetes Clinical Practice in Pediatric Psychology. 2023

  • Porter-Stransky K.A., Gibson K., VanDerKolk K., Edwards R.A., Graves L.E., Smith E., Dickinson B.L. How Medical Students Apply Their Biomedical Science Knowledge to Patient Care in the Family Medicine Clerkship Medical Science Educator. 2023;33:63-72.

  • Prokos S., Damashek A., Morrongiello B., Arbour E., Belachew B., Zafreen F. Conducting a child injury prevention RCT in the wake of COVID-19: lessons learned for virtual human subjects research Frontiers in Digital Health. 2023;5

  • Reynolds L.A.F., McCaffery H., Appugliese D., Kaciroti N.A., Miller A.L., Rosenblum K.L., Gearhardt A.N., Lumeng J.C. JAMA Pediatrics. 2023;177:590-598.

  • Sannegowda R., Villalba K., Suk R., Gurnurkar S., Wasserman R.M. Current Diabetes Reports. 2023;23(1):1-17.

  • Truong T.B., Calac A.J., Nasir S.L., Flores L.E., Boyland R.F., Bora Y.D., Fadul N., Marcelin J.R. Challenges and opportunities: structural racism and its impact on COVID-19 COVID-19 Viral Sepsis: Impact on Disparities, Disability, and Health Outcomes. 2023:165-182.

  • Visclosky T., Kadri A., Sedig L., Reynolds L., Wolff M. Pediatric Emergency Care. 2023;39:268-273.

  • Wilcocks C.P., Enlow P., Wasserman R., Wysocki T., Lee J., Aroian K., Pierce J.S. Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings. 2023;30(1):216-226.

  • Ansari N., Nisar M.I., Khalid F., Mehmood U., Usmani A.A., Shaheen F., Hotwani A., Begum K., Barkat A., Yoshida S., Manu A.A., Sazawal S., Baqui A.H., Bahl R., Jehan F. Journal of Global Health. 2022;12

  • Apple R.W. Coping and adaptation to chronic illness and disability for children and adolescents: Focus on cystic fibrosis Behavioral Pediatrics: Introduction, Fifth Edition. 2022:85-100.

  • Apple R.W., Clemente E.G. Pediatric Clinics of North America. 2022;69:xv-xvi.

  • Apple R.W., Patel M., Patel K. Concepts of psychosomatic conditions Behavioral Pediatrics II: Neuropsychiatry, Sexuality and Eating Disorders. Fifth Edition. 2022:3-15.

  • Bacopoulou F., Greydanus D.E. Pediatric obesity psychopharmacology: Quo vadis? Behavioral Pediatrics II: Neuropsychiatry, Sexuality and Eating Disorders. Fifth Edition. 2022:229-253.

  • Belachew B., Gates K.A., Chahin S. Behavioral aspects of chronic illness Behavioral Pediatrics: Introduction, Fifth Edition. 2022:65-74.

  • Burayzat S., Odeh M., Altamimi E., Al-Dweik S., El Wahab K., Alanasweh M., Al-Khraisat M., Barqawi M. BMJ Open. 2022;12(9)

  • Cabral M.D., Patel D.R., Greydanus D.E., Deleon J., Hudson E., Darweesh S. Disease-a-Month. 2022;68

  • Chahin S. Pediatric Clinics of North America. 2022;69(5):839-846.

  • Chahin S., Apple R.W., Dickson C. Pediatric Clinics of North America. 2022;69:819-823.

  • Chahin S., Damashek A., Ospina F., Dickson C. Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings. 2022;29:477-488.

  • Chahin S., Holowicki A.N. Behavioral and psychological assessment in pediatric primary care settings Behavioral Pediatrics: Introduction, Fifth Edition. 2022:45-56.

  • Chung E.H., Frueh J., Lai A., Scheurer-Monaghan A. NeoReviews. 2022;23:e49-e55.

  • Chung P., Tang A., Patel D.R. Dysgraphia Behavioral Pediatrics: Introduction, Fifth Edition. 2022:131-144.

  • Clemente E., Cabral M.D., Senti M., Patel D.R. Challenges in the management of obesity in adolescents: an American perspective: a narrative review Pediatric Medicine. 2022;5

  • Clemente E., Cabral M.D., Senti M., Patel D.R. Challenges in the management of obesity in adolescents: an American perspective: a narrative review Pediatric Medicine. 2022;5

  • Cosottile M., Damashek A. Journal of Pediatric Psychology. 2022;47:86-93.

  • Damashek A., Morrongiello B., Diaz F., Prokos S., Arbour E. Tailoring a Child Injury Prevention Program for Low-Income U.S. Families Clinical Practice in Pediatric Psychology. 2022;10:284-294.

  • Damashek A., Ross D., Corlis M., Uwayo M., Westine C. Treatment and prevention approaches for economically disadvantaged young children: challenges and opportunities Early Child Development and Care. 2022;192:679-696.

  • DeLeon J., Shrestha M., Mahmood Z., Patel D.R. Encopresis Behavioral Pediatrics II: Neuropsychiatry, Sexuality and Eating Disorders. Fifth Edition. 2022:69-79.

  • Deleon J., Cabral M.D., Kumaran S., Bolliet M., Coleman N. Sexually transmitted diseases/infections Behavioral Pediatrics II: Neuropsychiatry, Sexuality and Eating Disorders. Fifth Edition. 2022:145-197.

  • Dilip R P., Greydanus D.E., Ischander M., Graham B., Sarric J. Learning disabilities Behavioral Pediatrics: Introduction, Fifth Edition. 2022:103-114.

  • Dilip R P., Greydanus D.E., Ischander M., Graham B., Sarric J. Learning disabilities Behavioral Pediatrics: Introduction, Fifth Edition. 2022:103-114.

  • Feinberg A.N., Greydanus D.E., Matytsina-Quinlan L. Postpartum depression Behavioral Pediatrics: Introduction, Fifth Edition. 2022:325-344.

  • Feinberg A.N., Greydanus D.E., Matytsina-Quinlan L. Postpartum depression Behavioral Pediatrics: Introduction, Fifth Edition. 2022:325-344.

  • Fledderman N., Clemente E., Merrick J., Patel D.R. Intellectual disability (intellectual developmental disorder) Behavioral Pediatrics: Introduction, Fifth Edition. 2022:115-130.

  • Fledderman N., Clemente E., Merrick J., Patel D.R. Intellectual disability (intellectual developmental disorder) Behavioral Pediatrics: Introduction, Fifth Edition. 2022:115-130.

  • Franck L.S., Scheurer-Monaghan A., Bupp C.P., Fakhoury J.D., Hoffmann T.J., Deshpandey M., Arenchild M., Dimmock D.P. Healthcare Professionals鈥 Attitudes toward Rapid Whole Genome Sequencing in Pediatric Acute Care Children. 2022;9

  • Franck L.S., Scheurer-Monaghan A., Bupp C.P., Fakhoury J.D., Hoffmann T.J., Deshpandey M., Arenchild M., Dimmock D.P. Healthcare Professionals鈥 Attitudes toward Rapid Whole Genome Sequencing in Pediatric Acute Care Children. 2022;9

  • Gates K.A., Damashek A., Alderman K., Babcock B.E., Skinner B. Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Access to Mental Health Services for African and Arab American Youth: An Audit Study Evidence-Based Practice in Child and Adolescent Mental Health. 2022;7:260-274.

  • Goetting M.G. Pediatric Clinics of North America. 2022;69:989-1002.

  • Gourash L.M., Hanchett J., Forster J.L., Loker J., Cataletto M. Inpatient Crisis Intervention for Persons with Prader-Willi Syndrome Management of Prader-Willi Syndrome: Fourth Edition. 2022:363-382.

  • Greydanus D.E. Substance use disorders in adolescents: Pharmacologic management Behavioral Pediatrics: Mental Health and Management. Fifth Edition. 2022:229-244.

  • Greydanus D.E. Tic disorders in children and adolescents: Principles of psychopharmacologic management Behavioral Pediatrics II: Neuropsychiatry, Sexuality and Eating Disorders. Fifth Edition. 2022:29-49.

  • Greydanus D.E. International journal of adolescent medicine and health. 2022;34:265-268.

  • Greydanus D.E., Bacopoulou F., Apostolaki D. Gynecological and behavioral features of eating disorders Behavioral Pediatrics II: Neuropsychiatry, Sexuality and Eating Disorders. Fifth Edition. 2022:283-304.

  • Greydanus D.E., Cabral M.D. Cannabis: Current concepts and conundrums Behavioral Pediatrics: Mental Health and Management. Fifth Edition. 2022:175-212.

  • Greydanus D.E., Cabral M.D. Cannabis: Current concepts and conundrums Behavioral Pediatrics: Mental Health and Management. Fifth Edition. 2022:175-212.

  • Greydanus D.E., Cabral M.D., Patel D.R. Disease-a-Month. 2022;68

  • Greydanus D.E., Cates K.W., Sadigh N. International Journal of Adolescent Medicine and Health. 2022;34

  • Greydanus D.E., Dickson C.A. Oppositional defiant and conduct disorders: Current perspectives Behavioral Pediatrics: Introduction, Fifth Edition. 2022:142-274.

  • Greydanus D.E., Dickson C.A. Oppositional defiant and conduct disorders: Current perspectives Behavioral Pediatrics: Introduction, Fifth Edition. 2022:142-274.

  • Greydanus D.E., Dickson C.A., Omar H.A. Pediatric and adolescent sexuality: An overview Behavioral Pediatrics II: Neuropsychiatry, Sexuality and Eating Disorders. Fifth Edition. 2022:83-134.

  • Greydanus D.E., Dickson C.A., Omar H.A. Pediatric and adolescent sexuality: An overview Behavioral Pediatrics II: Neuropsychiatry, Sexuality and Eating Disorders. Fifth Edition. 2022:83-134.

  • Greydanus D.E., Dickson C.A., Omar H.A. Pediatric and adolescent sexuality: An overview Behavioral Pediatrics II: Neuropsychiatry, Sexuality and Eating Disorders. Fifth Edition. 2022:83-134.

  • Greydanus D.E., Hawver J.R., Rowland D.C. Concepts of aggression: Perspectives in the 21st century Behavioral Pediatrics: Introduction, Fifth Edition. 2022:275-306.

  • Greydanus D.E., Kukreti P., Pemde H.K. Substance use and abuse in adolescents: An overview Behavioral Pediatrics: Mental Health and Management. Fifth Edition. 2022:133-173.

  • Greydanus D.E., Patel D.R. Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder Behavioral Pediatrics: Introduction, Fifth Edition. 2022:197-252.

  • Greydanus D.E., Patel D.R. Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder Behavioral Pediatrics: Introduction, Fifth Edition. 2022:197-252.

  • Greydanus D.E., Patel D.R., Apple R.W., Nazeer A., Merrick J. Behavioral pediatrics II: Neuropsychiatry, sexuality and eating disorders. Fifth edition Behavioral Pediatrics II: Neuropsychiatry, Sexuality and Eating Disorders. Fifth Edition. 2022:1-346.

  • Greydanus D.E., Patel D.R., Apple R.W., Nazeer A., Merrick J. Behavioral pediatrics II: Neuropsychiatry, sexuality and eating disorders. Fifth edition Behavioral Pediatrics II: Neuropsychiatry, Sexuality and Eating Disorders. Fifth Edition. 2022:1-346.

  • Greydanus D.E., Patel D.R., Apple R.W., Nazeer A., Merrick J. Behavioral pediatrics II: Neuropsychiatry, sexuality and eating disorders. Fifth edition Behavioral Pediatrics II: Neuropsychiatry, Sexuality and Eating Disorders. Fifth Edition. 2022:1-346.

  • Greydanus D.E., Patel D.R., Nazeer A., Apple R.W., Merrick J. Behavioral Pediatrics: Introduction, Fifth Edition Behavioral Pediatrics: Introduction, Fifth Edition. 2022:1-406.

  • Greydanus D.E., Patel D.R., Nazeer A., Apple R.W., Merrick J. Behavioral pediatrics: Mental health and management. Fifth edition Behavioral Pediatrics: Mental Health and Management. Fifth Edition. 2022:1-352.

  • Greydanus D.E., Patel D.R., Nazeer A., Apple R.W., Merrick J. Preface Behavioral Pediatrics: Introduction, Fifth Edition. 2022:xxi-xxxiii.

  • Greydanus D.E., Patel D.R., Nazeer A., Apple R.W., Merrick J. Preface Behavioral Pediatrics II: Neuropsychiatry, Sexuality and Eating Disorders. Fifth Edition. 2022:xvii-xviii.

  • Greydanus D.E., Patel D.R., Nazeer A., Apple R.W., Merrick J. Behavioral Pediatrics: Introduction, Fifth Edition Behavioral Pediatrics: Introduction, Fifth Edition. 2022:1-406.

  • Greydanus D.E., Patel D.R., Nazeer A., Apple R.W., Merrick J. Behavioral pediatrics: Mental health and management. Fifth edition Behavioral Pediatrics: Mental Health and Management. Fifth Edition. 2022:1-352.

  • Greydanus D.E., Patel D.R., Nazeer A., Apple R.W., Merrick J. Preface Behavioral Pediatrics: Introduction, Fifth Edition. 2022:xxi-xxxiii.

  • Greydanus D.E., Patel D.R., Nazeer A., Apple R.W., Merrick J. Preface Behavioral Pediatrics II: Neuropsychiatry, Sexuality and Eating Disorders. Fifth Edition. 2022:xvii-xviii.

  • Greydanus D.E., Patel D.R., Nazeer A., Apple R.W., Merrick J. Behavioral Pediatrics: Introduction, Fifth Edition Behavioral Pediatrics: Introduction, Fifth Edition. 2022:1-406.

  • Greydanus D.E., Patel D.R., Nazeer A., Apple R.W., Merrick J. Behavioral pediatrics: Mental health and management. Fifth edition Behavioral Pediatrics: Mental Health and Management. Fifth Edition. 2022:1-352.

  • Greydanus D.E., Patel D.R., Nazeer A., Apple R.W., Merrick J. Preface Behavioral Pediatrics: Introduction, Fifth Edition. 2022:xxi-xxxiii.

  • Greydanus D.E., Patel D.R., Nazeer A., Apple R.W., Merrick J. Preface Behavioral Pediatrics II: Neuropsychiatry, Sexuality and Eating Disorders. Fifth Edition. 2022:xvii-xviii.

  • Greydanus D.E., Patel D.R., Rowland D.C. Autism Spectrum Disorder Comprehensive Pharmacology. 2022;3:396-434.

  • Greydanus D.E., Patel D.R., Rowland D.C. Autism Spectrum Disorder Comprehensive Pharmacology. 2022;3:396-434.

  • Greydanus D.E., Shrestha M. Enuresis: Current concepts and conundrums Behavioral Pediatrics II: Neuropsychiatry, Sexuality and Eating Disorders. Fifth Edition. 2022:51-68.

  • Ischander M., Lozowski-Sullivan S. Pediatric Clinics of North America. 2022;69:951-963.

  • Jasser J., Patel D.R., Beenen K.T. Pediatric Clinics of North America. 2022;69:975-988.

  • Jenson H.B. Epstein-barr virus Manual of Molecular and Clinical Laboratory Immunology: 7th edition. 2022:637-647.

  • Kahn A.R., Schwalm C.M., Wolfson J.A., Levine J.M., Johnston E.E. Current Oncology Reports. 2022;24(3):295-302.

  • Kanungo S., Beenen K.T. Pediatric Clinics of North America. 2022;69:1003-1016.

  • Matytsina-Quinlan L., Greydanus D.E., Babenko-Sorocopud I.V., Gwatkin L. Anorexia nervosa in adolescence: International perspectives on medical and psychological assessment and management Behavioral Pediatrics II: Neuropsychiatry, Sexuality and Eating Disorders. Fifth Edition. 2022:263-281.

  • Narahari P., Gregoire-Bottex M., Bishop M., Matheus C., Dowling M. Behavioral/emotional effects of COVID-19 on children and teens Behavioral Pediatrics: Mental Health and Management. Fifth Edition. 2022:99-113.

  • Nguyen M.H.N., George N.B., Fakhoury J.D., Ergun-Longmire B. Pediatrics in Review. 2022;43:E28-E30.

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  • Patel D.R., Agnetta A., Shrestha M. Malnutrition Behavioral Pediatrics II: Neuropsychiatry, Sexuality and Eating Disorders. Fifth Edition. 2022:255-262.

  • Patel D.R., Hirsch D., Wells K. Use of pharmacologic agents for smoking cessation Behavioral Pediatrics: Mental Health and Management. Fifth Edition. 2022:245-264.

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  • Singhal S., Billian J., Kloosterman C., Bailey T., Soares N. Community Mental Health Journal. 2022;58:541-546.

  • Soares N., Mitchell R., McGoff T., Bailey T., Wellman G.S. Taste Perceptions of Common Pediatric Antibiotic Suspensions and Associated Prescribing Patterns in Medical Residents Journal of Pediatric Pharmacology and Therapeutics. 2022;27:316-323.

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  • Teoh S.T., Leimanis-Laurens M.L., Comstock S.S., Winters J.W., Vandenbosch N.L., Prokop J.W., Bachmann A.S., Lunt S.Y., Rajasekaran S. Combined Plasma and Urinary Metabolomics Uncover Metabolic Perturbations Associated with Severe Respiratory Syncytial Viral Infection and Future Development of Asthma in Infant Patients Metabolites. 2022;12

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  • Wasserman R.M., Patton S.R., Clements M.A., Guffey D., Schwartz D.D., Anderson B.J. Pediatric Diabetes. 2022;23(7):1113-1121.

  • Woolery S., Bauler L., Jones P., Azmeh R. Successful desensitization in a patient with adalimumab hypersensitivity Clinical Immunology Communications. 2022;2:30-32.

  • Zayegh A.M., Doyle L.W., Boland R.A., Mainzer R., Spittle A.J., Roberts G., Hickey L.M., Anderson P.J., Cheong J.L.Y., Bear M., Burnett A., Charlton M., Clark M., Courtot J., Davis N., Duff J., Ellis R., Haikerwal A., Hayes M., Josev E., Kelly E., Lee K., McDonald M., Novella B., Olsen J., Opie G., Scott K., Stevens P., Turner A.M. Paediatric and Perinatal Epidemiology. 2022;36:594-602.

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  • Amin S., Gibson K.M., Bines D. Pediatric Clinics of North America. 2021;68:659-668.

  • Apple R.W., Dickson C.A., Cabral M.D.I. Pediatric Clinics of North America. 2021;68:xvii-xviii.

  • Bacopoulou F., Greydanus D.E. Pediatric obesity psychopharmacology: Quo vadis? International Journal on Disability and Human Development. 2021;20:429-446.

  • Baidoun M., Elgendy M., Loker J. BMJ Case Reports. 2021;14(6)

  • Burke M., Pandher K., Neelakantan M., Patel D.R. Case report: Spontaneous splenic rupture due to infectious mononucleosis in an adolescent patient International Journal on Disability and Human Development. 2021;20:89-92.

  • Busha M.E., McMillen B., Greene J., Gibson K., Milnes C., Ziemkowski P. BMC Medical Education. 2021;21

  • Cabral M.D., Anido R.K., Swayze E., Campbell C., Harpale R. Contraception: Updates Pediatric and Adolescent Sexuality and Gynecology: Principles for the Primary Care Clinician, Second Edition. 2021:323-382.

  • Calles J.L., Greydanus D.E. Rehabilitation options for add/adhd International Journal on Disability and Human Development. 2021;20:347-363.

  • Campbell C., Ischander M. Pediatric Pulmonology. 2021;56:1276-1279.

  • Chahin S., Apple R. Obsessive compulsive disorder: Diagnosis and treatment International Journal on Disability and Human Development. 2021;20:365-368.

  • Chahin S.S., Patel K., Apple R.W. Provider and patient interaction in the newborn period Caring for the Newborn: A Comprehensive Guide for the Clinician. Second Edition. 2021:175-181.

  • Chahin S.S., Patel K., Apple R.W. Provider and patient interaction in the newborn period Caring for the Newborn: A Comprehensive Guide for the Clinician. Second Edition. 2021:175-181.

  • Choi P., Bauler L., Gregoire-Bottex M.M. Fighting diagnostic confirmation bias: Cystic fibrosis, allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillus, or both? Clinical Case Reports. 2021;9:1379-1382.

  • Clemente E., Im E.J., Patel D.R. Factors associated with an increase in emerging infectious diseases International Journal on Disability and Human Development. 2021;20:27-32.

  • Clemente E., Liu G., Cabral M.D. Pediatric Clinics of North America. 2021;68(3):633-649.

  • Clemente E., Parikh S., Cabral M.D., Patel D.R. Public health ethics in a year of the pandemic: A primer International Journal on Disability and Human Development. 2021;20:421-427.

  • Clemente E., Parikh S., Cabral M.D., Patel D.R. Public health ethics in a year of the pandemic: A primer International Journal on Disability and Human Development. 2021;20:421-427.

  • Corlis M., Damashek A. Journal of Interpersonal Violence. 2021;36(17-18):NP9391-NP9415.

  • Deleon J., Cabral M.D., Kumaran S., Bolliet M. Sexually transmitted diseases/infections Pediatric and Adolescent Sexuality and Gynecology: Principles for the Primary Care Clinician, Second Edition. 2021:419-478.

  • Dickson C., D'Mello R. Sudden unexpected death: Sids and un-safe-sleep practices Caring for the Newborn: A Comprehensive Guide for the Clinician. Second Edition. 2021:77-85.

  • Dickson C., Ramsay J., VandeBurgh J. Pediatric Clinics of North America. 2021;68:651-658.

  • Elisa A., Al-Sukhon J., Nguyen M., Azmeh R. Allergic and immunologic diseases of the newborn Caring for the Newborn: A Comprehensive Guide for the Clinician. Second Edition. 2021:313-322.

  • Ergun-Longmire B., Clemente E., Vining-Maravolo P., Roberts C., Buth K., Greydanus D.E. Disease-a-Month. 2021;67

  • Feinberg A.N. Dedication Caring for the Newborn: A Comprehensive Guide for the Clinician. Second Edition. 2021:1-2.

  • Feinberg A.N., Greydanus D.E., Matytsina-Quinlan L. Postpartum depression Pediatric and Adolescent Sexuality and Gynecology: Principles for the Primary Care Clinician, Second Edition. 2021:541-563.

  • Feinberg A.N., Greydanus D.E., Matytsina-Quinlan L. Postpartum depression Pediatric and Adolescent Sexuality and Gynecology: Principles for the Primary Care Clinician, Second Edition. 2021:541-563.

  • Fledderman N., DeLeon J., Patel D.R. Pediatric Clinics of North America. 2021;68:511-518.

  • Graham B., Sassic J., Ischander M. The power of a good night sleep on memory and learning in children International Journal on Disability and Human Development. 2021;20:417-420.

  • Greydanus D.E., Agana M.G., Merrick J. International Journal of Adolescent Medicine and Health. 2021;33

  • Greydanus D.E., Apple R.W., Chahin S.S. Pediatric Clinics of North America. 2021;68:519-531.

  • Greydanus D.E., Azmeh R., Cabral M.D., Dickson C.A., Patel D.R. Disease-a-Month. 2021;67

  • Greydanus D.E., Bacopoulou F., Apostolaki D. Gynecological features of eating disorders Pediatric and Adolescent Sexuality and Gynecology: Principles for the Primary Care Clinician, Second Edition. 2021:565-587.

  • Greydanus D.E., Dickson C., Kanungo S., Merrick J. Introduction: From lilith to shiphrah and puah-and beyond: What have we learned about caring for the newborn in the past 300 millennia? Caring for the Newborn: A Comprehensive Guide for the Clinician. Second Edition. 2021:xxix-xlvii.

  • Greydanus D.E., Dickson C., Kanungo S., Merrick J. Introduction: From lilith to shiphrah and puah-and beyond: What have we learned about caring for the newborn in the past 300 millennia? Caring for the Newborn: A Comprehensive Guide for the Clinician. Second Edition. 2021:xxix-xlvii.

  • Greydanus D.E., Dickson C.A., Merrick J. Palliative care: Cloaking the newborn from suffering Caring for the Newborn: A Comprehensive Guide for the Clinician. Second Edition. 2021:213-223.

  • Greydanus D.E., Dickson C.A., Merrick J. Palliative care: Cloaking the newborn from suffering Caring for the Newborn: A Comprehensive Guide for the Clinician. Second Edition. 2021:213-223.

  • Greydanus D.E., Dickson C.A., Omar H.A., Vu C.T. Pediatric and adolescent sexuality: An overview Pediatric and Adolescent Sexuality and Gynecology: Principles for the Primary Care Clinician, Second Edition. 2021:3-62.

  • Greydanus D.E., Dickson C.A., Omar H.A., Vu C.T. Pediatric and adolescent sexuality: An overview Pediatric and Adolescent Sexuality and Gynecology: Principles for the Primary Care Clinician, Second Edition. 2021:3-62.

  • Greydanus D.E., Dickson C.A., Omar H.A., Vu C.T. Pediatric and adolescent sexuality: An overview Pediatric and Adolescent Sexuality and Gynecology: Principles for the Primary Care Clinician, Second Edition. 2021:3-62.

  • Greydanus D.E., Hawver J.R. Adolescent abuse: Selective issues including prevention Preventing Child Abuse: Critical Roles and Multiple Perspectives. 2021:267-284.

  • Greydanus D.E., Hawver J.R. The inhumanity of Echoing trauma on our youth in the Juvenile justice system; clinicians should always ask: What happened to you? International Journal on Disability and Human Development. 2021;20:219-223.

  • Greydanus D.E., Ischander M.M. Sleep hygiene in youth: A core component of clinical adolescent medicine International Journal on Disability and Human Development. 2021;20:3-6.

  • Greydanus D.E., Ischander M.M. Sleep hygiene in youth: A core component of clinical adolescent medicine International Journal on Disability and Human Development. 2021;20:3-6.

  • Greydanus D.E., Kanungo S., Dickson C., Merrick J. Caring for the newborn: A comprehensive guide for the clinician. second edition Caring for the Newborn: A Comprehensive Guide for the Clinician. Second Edition. 2021:1-517.

  • Greydanus D.E., Kanungo S., Dickson C., Merrick J. Caring for the newborn: A comprehensive guide for the clinician. second edition Caring for the Newborn: A Comprehensive Guide for the Clinician. Second Edition. 2021:1-517.

  • Greydanus D.E., Merrick J. Pulmonary rehabilitation: History and definition International Journal on Disability and Human Development. 2021;20:375-415.

  • Greydanus D.E., Omar H.A. Breast disorders in children and adolescents Pediatric and Adolescent Sexuality and Gynecology: Principles for the Primary Care Clinician, Second Edition. 2021:181-240.

  • Greydanus D.E., Omar H.A. Menstrual disorders in adolescent females Pediatric and Adolescent Sexuality and Gynecology: Principles for the Primary Care Clinician, Second Edition. 2021:241-321.

  • Greydanus D.E., Omar H.A. Breast disorders in children and adolescents Pediatric and Adolescent Sexuality and Gynecology: Principles for the Primary Care Clinician, Second Edition. 2021:181-240.

  • Greydanus D.E., Omar H.A. Menstrual disorders in adolescent females Pediatric and Adolescent Sexuality and Gynecology: Principles for the Primary Care Clinician, Second Edition. 2021:241-321.

  • Greydanus D.E., Omar H.A., Patel D.R., Merrick J. Pediatric and adolescent sexuality and gynecology: Principles for the primary care clinician, second edition Pediatric and Adolescent Sexuality and Gynecology: Principles for the Primary Care Clinician, Second Edition. 2021:1-642.

  • Greydanus D.E., Omar H.A., Patel D.R., Merrick J. Pediatric and adolescent sexuality and gynecology: Principles for the primary care clinician, second edition Pediatric and Adolescent Sexuality and Gynecology: Principles for the Primary Care Clinician, Second Edition. 2021:1-642.

  • Greydanus D.E., Omar H.A., Patel D.R., Merrick J. Pediatric and adolescent sexuality and gynecology: Principles for the primary care clinician, second edition Pediatric and Adolescent Sexuality and Gynecology: Principles for the Primary Care Clinician, Second Edition. 2021:1-642.

  • Greydanus D.E., Patel D.R. About the department of pediatric and adolescent medicine, western michigan university homer stryker md school of medicine (WMED), Kalamazoo, Michigan, United States of America Caring for the Newborn: A Comprehensive Guide for the Clinician. Second Edition. 2021:507-508.

  • Greydanus D.E., Patel D.R. About the department of pediatric and adolescent medicine, western michigan university homer stryker md school of medicine (WMED), Kalamazoo, Michigan, United States of America Caring for the Newborn: A Comprehensive Guide for the Clinician. Second Edition. 2021:507-508.

  • Greydanus D.E., Rowland D.C., Patel D.R., Soares N. Psychopharmacology of pediatric attention-deficit/ hyperactivity disorder Psychiatric Annals. 2021;51:459-466.

  • Greydanus D.E., Rowland D.C., Patel D.R., Soares N. Psychopharmacology of pediatric attention-deficit/ hyperactivity disorder Psychiatric Annals. 2021;51:459-466.

  • Harrington K.R., Shapira A., Volkening L.K., Butler D.A., Anderson B.J., Wasserman R.M., Laffel L.M. Journal of Diabetes and its Complications. 2021;35(3)

  • Ischander M.M., Lloyd R.D. Journal of Sleep Research. 2021;30

  • Johnston E.E., Martinez I., Davis E.S., Caudill C., Richman J., Brackett J., Dickens D.S., Kahn A., Schwalm C., Sharma A., Patel P.A., Bhatia S., Levine J.M., Wolfson J.A. Journal of Clinical Oncology. 2021;39(34):3778-3788.

  • Khatib F., Jibrin D., Al-Majali J., Elhussieni M., Almasaid S., Ahram M. BMC Medical Ethics. 2021;22(1)

  • Ludlow A., George N., Glassford M., Udenberg K., Hannibal M.C., Schwalm C., Scott K., Rothstein T.L., Singh S.A. Journal of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology. 2021;43:e336-e340.

  • Mersha T.B., Afanador Y., Johansson E., Proper S.P., Bernstein J.A., Rothenberg M.E., Khurana Hershey G.K. Clinical Reviews in Allergy and Immunology. 2021;60(2):200-219.

  • Nguyen M.H.N., Baker M., Spoden T., Rivera-Valenzuela M.G., Azmeh R. Annals of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology. 2021;127:507-509.

  • Nguyen M.H.N., Sieloff E.M., Fakhoury J., Helmstetter N. Clinical Journal of Gastroenterology. 2021;14:1679-1686.

  • Niemyjski E.A., Ischander M. Pediatric Pulmonology. 2021;56:11-13.

  • Omar H., Greydanus D.E. Ovarian tumors in children and adolescents Pediatric and Adolescent Sexuality and Gynecology: Principles for the Primary Care Clinician, Second Edition. 2021:479-507.

  • Omar H., Greydanus D.E. Ovarian tumors in children and adolescents Pediatric and Adolescent Sexuality and Gynecology: Principles for the Primary Care Clinician, Second Edition. 2021:479-507.

  • Omar H.A. Office pediatric gynecology Pediatric and Adolescent Sexuality and Gynecology: Principles for the Primary Care Clinician, Second Edition. 2021:63-80.

  • Omar H.A., Greydanus D.E. Pregnancy and abortion Pediatric and Adolescent Sexuality and Gynecology: Principles for the Primary Care Clinician, Second Edition. 2021:383-418.

  • Omar H.A., Greydanus D.E. Pregnancy and abortion Pediatric and Adolescent Sexuality and Gynecology: Principles for the Primary Care Clinician, Second Edition. 2021:383-418.

  • Palusci V.J., Vandervort F.E., Greydanus D.E., Merrick J. Introduction: The expanding case for prevention Preventing Child Abuse: Critical Roles and Multiple Perspectives. 2021:3-9.

  • Palusci V.J., Vandervort F.E., Greydanus D.E., Merrick J. Preventing child abuse: Critical roles and multiple perspectives Preventing Child Abuse: Critical Roles and Multiple Perspectives. 2021:1-429.

  • Patel D.R., Greydanus D.E. About the department of pediatric and adolescent medicine, Western Michigan university homer Stryker 六合彩开奖直播 School of Medicine (WMed), Kalamazoo, Michigan, United States Pediatric and Adolescent Sexuality and Gynecology: Principles for the Primary Care Clinician, Second Edition. 2021:595-597.

  • Patel D.R., Greydanus D.E. About the department of pediatric and adolescent medicine, Western Michigan university homer Stryker 六合彩开奖直播 School of Medicine (WMed), Kalamazoo, Michigan, United States Pediatric and Adolescent Sexuality and Gynecology: Principles for the Primary Care Clinician, Second Edition. 2021:595-597.

  • Patel D.R., Greydanus D.E., Omar H.A. The female athlete Pediatric and Adolescent Sexuality and Gynecology: Principles for the Primary Care Clinician, Second Edition. 2021:509-540.

  • Patel D.R., Greydanus D.E., Omar H.A. The female athlete Pediatric and Adolescent Sexuality and Gynecology: Principles for the Primary Care Clinician, Second Edition. 2021:509-540.

  • Patel D.R., Greydanus D.E., Omar H.A. The female athlete Pediatric and Adolescent Sexuality and Gynecology: Principles for the Primary Care Clinician, Second Edition. 2021:509-540.

  • Patel K., Apple R.W., Campbell J. Pediatric Clinics of North America. 2021;68:573-581.

  • Pierce J.S., Enlow P., Alderfer M.A., Wasserman R., Gurnurkar S., O鈥橦ara E., Pendley J.S., Reed M., Welsh K., Brooks K., Taylor A., Wysocki T., Price J. Transdisciplinary Care for Adolescents With Type 1 Diabetes: Development of a Provider Cross-Discipline Training Curriculum Diabetes Spectrum. 2021;34(4):430-435.

  • Proper S.P., Azouz N.P., Mersha T.B. Frontiers in Immunology. 2021;12

  • Santhanam H., Hussain K., Patel D.R. The application of early developmental intervention in children with disabilities International Journal on Disability and Human Development. 2021;20:369-374.

  • Santhanam H., Patel D.R., Merrick J. Approach to evaluation of children with neurodevelopmental disabilities International Journal on Disability and Human Development. 2021;20:337-345.

  • Shah N.P., Regmi A., Acharya A., Jwala K.C., Khatiwada B., Hada M. Journal of the Nepal Medical Association. 2021;59(243):1090-1093.

  • Singhal S., Kloosterman C., Billian J., Bailey T., Soares N. Most second-generation antipsychotic prescriptions in community practice are neither fda-approved nor within prescribing guideline recommendations Journal of Pediatric Pharmacology and Therapeutics. 2021;26:460-466.

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  • Ugobi N.D., Patel D.R., Neelakantan M. Development of the human nervous system Caring for the Newborn: A Comprehensive Guide for the Clinician. Second Edition. 2021:275-289.

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  • Cabral M.D., Holder N., Dharmapuri S. Sexual and reproductive health in the adolescent cardiac patient Chronic Disease and Disability: The Pediatric Heart, Second Edition. 2020:251-267.

  • Cabral M.D., Patel D.R. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology. 2020;1191:543-559.

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  • Enlow P.T., Wasserman R., Aroian K., Lee J., Wysocki T., Pierce J. Journal of Pediatric Psychology. 2020;45(2):170-180.

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  • Greydanus D.E. Chronic disease and the dying adolescent Chronic Disease and Disability: The Pediatric Heart, Second Edition. 2020:357-368.

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  • Greydanus D.E., Agana M.G. Pediatric immunizations: Review and discussion on protection of our children and adolescents Child and Adolescent Health: Some Recent Research. 2020:45-104.

  • Greydanus D.E., Anne P., Rowlett J.D., Merrick J. Chronic disease and disability: The pediatric heart, second edition Chronic Disease and Disability: The Pediatric Heart, Second Edition. 2020:1-391.

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  • Greydanus D.E., Eke R., Rowland D.C. Mucopolysaccharidoses: Current concepts and perspectives in the 21<sup>st</sup> century Chronic Disease and Disability: The Pediatric Liver. 2020:253-279.

  • Greydanus D.E., Greydanus J.K. Dedication Chronic Disease and Disability: The Pediatric Liver. 2020:xiii-xv.

  • Greydanus D.E., Hussain K. Wilson's disease: The liver, brain, eyes and more Chronic Disease and Disability: The Pediatric Liver. 2020:339-351.

  • Greydanus D.E., Merrick J. History of the hepato-biliary system: From promethius to the prodigious pantheons of progress in the past and present Chronic Disease and Disability: The Pediatric Liver. 2020:3-45.

  • Greydanus D.E., Merrick J. Promethean progress in understanding the pediatric heart: From the ancient Egyptian heart and the aristotelian heart to the 20th century heart with the blalock-taussig shunt: Standing on the shoulders of giants Chronic Disease and Disability: The Pediatric Heart, Second Edition. 2020:3-35.

  • Greydanus D.E., Merrick J. Cannabis and pain control in pediatric patients: Issues of non-maleficence Journal of Pain Management. 2020;13:189-192.

  • Greydanus D.E., Merrick J. Chronic disease and the dying adolescent Journal of Pain Management. 2020;13:307-316.

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  • Greydanus D.E., Smith Z.R. Concepts of metabolic disorders Chronic Disease and Disability: The Pediatric Liver. 2020:281-316.

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  • Millershaski S., Bailey T., Ischander M., Patel D.R. Melatonin use for sleep disturbance in children with cerebral palsy: A narrative review Pediatric Medicine. 2020;3

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  • Nazeer A., Latif F., Mondal A., Azeem M.W., Greydanus D.E. Obsessive-compulsive disorder in children and adolescents: epidemiology, diagnosis and management Translational Pediatrics. 2020;9:S76-S93.

  • Neelakantan M., Ryali B., Cabral M.D., Harris A., McCarroll J., Patel D.R. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2020;17:1-12.

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  • Nguyen M., Cabral M.D., Patel D.R. Suicide in adolescents: Exploring the role of religion Building Children and Youth for the Future: Some International Aspects. 2020:71-78.

  • Nguyen M., Cabral M.D., Patel D.R. Suicide in adolescents: Exploring the role of religion Building Children and Youth for the Future: Some International Aspects. 2020:71-78.

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  • Patel D.R., Brown K.A., Greydanus D.E. Anxiety disorders in children and adolescents Journal of Pain Management. 2020;13:279-287.

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  • Patel D.R., Cabral M.D., Ho A., Merrick J. A clinical primer on intellectual disability Translational Pediatrics. 2020;9:S23-S35.

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  • Patel D.R., Tenenbaum A., Merrick J. Intellectual, developmental and neurodevelopmental disabilities Intellectual Disability: Some International Aspects. 2020:3-21.

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  • Psihogios A.M., Guti茅rrez-Colina A.M., Iskander J.M., Wasserman R.M., Ramsey R.R. Adherence knowledge and education needs among pediatric psychology trainees: A needs assessment and recommendations. Clinical Practice in Pediatric Psychology. 2020;8(1):45-55.

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  • Raj V.M.S., Greydanus D.E. Hypertension in children: Current concepts Chronic Disease and Disability: The Pediatric Heart, Second Edition. 2020:113-137.

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  • Samuel S., Brown K., Patel D.R. Food additives: An overview of health implications and regulation and control in the United States Child and Adolescent Health: Some Recent Research. 2020:229-242.

  • Samuel S., Brown K., Patel D.R. Food additives: An overview of health implications and regulation and control in the United States Child and Adolescent Health: Some Recent Research. 2020:229-242.

  • Siuba M., Patel D.R., Guilonard K., Pratt H.D. Behavioral aspects of chronic illness Chronic Disease and Disability: The Pediatric Liver. 2020:443-448.

  • Soltys F., Philpott-Streiff S.E., Fuzzell L., Politi M.C. Journal of Perinatology. 2020;40(3):504-509.

  • Agana M., Apple R., Alavi Z., Gibb T., Soares N., Augustyn M. Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics. 2019;40:397-399.

  • Agana M.G., Greydanus D.E., Indyk J.A., Calles J.L., Kushner J., Leibowitz S., Chelvakumar G., Cabral M.D. Disease-a-Month. 2019;65(9):303-356.

  • Agana M.G., Ryali B., Patel D.R. Vulvovaginitis in adolescents Pediatric Medicine. 2019;2

  • Andrie E.K., Tzavara C.K., Tzavela E., Richardson C., Greydanus D., Tsolia M., Tsitsika A.K. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology. 2019;54:1429-1441.

  • Balun J., Dominick K., Cabral M.D., Taubel D. Endometriosis in adolescents Pediatric Medicine. 2019;2

  • Bravata G., Patel D.R., Omar H.A. Long-acting reversible contraception for adolescents Pediatric Medicine. 2019;2

  • Bravata G., Patel D.R., Omar H.A. Long-acting reversible contraception for adolescents Pediatric Medicine. 2019;2

  • Cabral M.D., Patel D.R. Adolescent gynecology Pediatric Medicine. 2019;2

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  • Comkornruecha M., Sigourney R., Cabral M.D. Emergency contraception Pediatric Medicine. 2019;2

  • Doyle L.W., Ranganathan S., Haikerwal A., Cheong J.L.Y., Anderson C., Anderson P., Bear M., Burnett A., Callanan C., Carse E., Charlton M.P., Courtot J., Davis N., Duff J., Hickey L., Hayes M., Kelly E., Lee K., McDonald M., McInnes E., Novella B., Opie G., Roberts G., Scott K., Turner A.M., Williamson A. Journal of Pediatrics. 2019;209:39-43.e2.

  • Gratz O.H., Apple R. Application of integrated behavioral health in pediatric and adolescent medicine practice Building Youth for the Future: Suicide Prevention Aspects. 2019:109-120.

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  • Greydanus D.E., Bacopoulou F. Acute pelvic inflammatory disease Pediatric Medicine. 2019;2

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  • Greydanus D.E., Leonov A., Elisa A., Azmeh R. Should rare immunologic, neurologic, and other adverse events be indications to withhold vaccination? Translational Pediatrics. 2019;8:419-427.

  • Greydanus D.E., Leonov A., Elisa A., Azmeh R. Should rare immunologic, neurologic, and other adverse events be indications to withhold vaccination? Translational Pediatrics. 2019;8:419-427.

  • Greydanus D.E., Matytsina-Quinlan L. Breast concerns and disorders in adolescent females Pediatric Medicine. 2019;2

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  • McGill D., Volkening L., Butler D., Wasserman R., Anderson B., Laffel L. Diabetic Medicine. 2019;36(5):600-605.

  • Miller K., Konal J., Brown K., Cabral M.D. Abnormal uterine bleeding Pediatric Medicine. 2019;2

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  • Newbery G., Neelakantan M., Cabral M.D., Omar H. Amenorrhea in adolescents Pediatric Medicine. 2019;2

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  • Pierce J.S., Wasserman R., Enlow P., Aroian K., Lee J., Wysocki T. Pediatric Diabetes. 2019;20(5):652-660.

  • Pierucci R. Rebutting Distortions of How the Sanctity of Life Doctrine Applies to the Periviable Linacre Quarterly. 2019;86:172-175.

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  • Alsukhon J., Elisa A., Kanungo S., Azmeh R. Severe combined immunodeficiency-a purine metabolism disorder Pediatric Medicine. 2018;1

  • Apple R. Coping and adaptation to chronic illness and disability for children and adolescents: Focus on cystic fibrosis Chronic Disease and Disability: The Pediatric Lung. 2018:225-240.

  • Apple R., White K. Physicians' use of brief counseling models in a pediatric outpatient setting Chronic Disease and Disability: The Pediatric Gastrointestinal Tract. 2018:423-436.

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  • Apple R.W. Barriers and facilitators influencing the diabetes treatment regimen for adolescents Chronic Disease and Disability: The Pediatric Gastrointestinal Tract. 2018:457-461.

  • Apple R.W. Coping and adaptation to chronic illness and disability for children and adolescents: Focusing on type 1 diabetes Chronic Disease and Disability: The Pediatric Gastrointestinal Tract. 2018:437-454.

  • Athanasiou K., Melegkovits E., Andrie E.K., Magoulas C., Tzavara C.K., Richardson C., Greydanus D., Tsolia M., Tsitsika A.K. BMC Public Health. 2018;18

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  • Brown K.A., Samuel S., Patel D.R. Pharmacologic management of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in children and adolescents: A review for practitioners Translational Pediatrics. 2018;7:36-47.

  • Cheong J.L.Y., Lee K.J., Boland R.A., Spittle A.J., Opie G.F., Burnett A.C., Hickey L.M., Roberts G., Anderson P.J., Doyle L.W., Anderson C., Bear M., Callanan C., Carse E., Charlton M.P., Courtot J., Davis N., Duff J., Haikerwal A., Hutchinson E., Hayes M., Kelly E., McDonald M., McInnes E., Novella B., Scott K., Turner A.M., Williamson A. The Lancet Child and Adolescent Health. 2018;2(12):872-879.

  • Greydanus D., Atay O., Merrick J. Chronic disease and disability: The pediatric gastrointestinal tract Chronic Disease and Disability: The Pediatric Gastrointestinal Tract. 2018:1-504.

  • Greydanus D., Gregoire-Bottex M., Cates K. Current concepts of the churg-strauss syndrome (eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis (EGPA) Chronic Disease and Disability: The Pediatric Lung. 2018:243-250.

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  • Greydanus D., Merrick J. International Journal of Adolescent Medicine and Health. 2018;30

  • Greydanus D., Pratt H. Chronic disease and the dying adolescent Chronic Disease and Disability: The Pediatric Lung. 2018:411-422.

  • Greydanus D.E. Sleep disorders in children and adolescents Chronic Disease and Disability: The Pediatric Lung. 2018:347-384.

  • Greydanus D.E., Agana M., Kamboj M.K., Shebrain S., Soares N., Eke R., Patel D.R. Disease-a-Month. 2018;64:98-156.

  • Greydanus D.E., Atay O., Merrick J. Preface and Introduction Chronic Disease and Disability: The Pediatric Gastrointestinal Tract. 2018:xxi-xliii.

  • Greydanus D.E., Gregoire-Bottex M.M., Cates K.W., Merrick J. Chronic disease and disability: The pediatric lung Chronic Disease and Disability: The Pediatric Lung. 2018:1-454.

  • Greydanus D.E., Gregoire-Bottex M.M., Cates K.W., Merrick J. Preface Chronic Disease and Disability: The Pediatric Lung. 2018:xv-xvi.

  • Greydanus D.E., Merrick J. Historical perspectives in pediatric pulmonology Chronic Disease and Disability: The Pediatric Lung. 2018:3-54.

  • Greydanus D.E., Merrick J. Medical history: Some perspectives Medical History: Some New Perspectives. 2018:1-434.

  • Greydanus D.E., Merrick J. The story of diabetes mellitus: Many millennia of mix-up mystification, neoteric near-misses, and the triumph of persistant probing Chronic Disease and Disability: The Pediatric Gastrointestinal Tract. 2018:171-216.

  • Greydanus D.E., Merrick J. Drugs and some more International Journal on Disability and Human Development. 2018;17:171-172.

  • Greydanus D.E., Merrick J. Pre-aesculapian messages from ancient archives of Mesopotamia: The Epic of Gilgamesh and the library of Ashurbanipal International Journal of Adolescent Medicine and Health. 2018;30

  • Greydanus D.E., Pratt H.D. Chronic disease and the dying adolescent Chronic Disease and Disability: The Pediatric Gastrointestinal Tract. 2018:463-475.

  • Greydanus D.E., Raj V.M.S. Goodpasture syndrome (pulmonary-renal syndrome) Chronic Disease and Disability: The Pediatric Lung. 2018:273-286.

  • Greydanus D.E., Rowlett J. Perspectives on acute abdominal pain in the college student: A clinically challenging conundrum Chronic Disease and Disability: The Pediatric Gastrointestinal Tract. 2018:285-307.

  • Halas R., Schmehil C., Ten Eyck G., Loker J. Congenital aneurysm of both left ventricle and left atrium Annals of Pediatric Cardiology. 2018;11:97-99.

  • Hekmatjah J., Cates K.W., Greydanus D.E. Pertussis: A persistent pulmonary pathogen Chronic Disease and Disability: The Pediatric Lung. 2018:303-314.

  • Hill D.A., Brenneman M., Field A., Yang J., Williams G., Doros L., Rossi C., Schultz K.A., Rosenberg A., Ivanovich J., Turner J., Gordish-Dressman H., Stewart D., Yu W., Harris A., Schoettler P., Goodfellow P., Dehner L., Messinger Y. Temporal order of RNase IIIb and loss-of-function mutations during development determines phenotype in pleuropulmonary blastoma / DICER1 syndrome: A unique variant of the two-hit tumor suppression model F1000Research. 2018;4

  • Hilliard M.E., De Wit M., Wasserman R.M., Butler A.M., Evans M., Weissberg-Benchell J., Anderson B.J. Pediatric Diabetes. 2018;19(3):534-543.

  • Huq S., Pejka S., Patel D.R. Infected renal hematoma in a healthy adolescent with no renal structural anomaly Translational Pediatrics. 2018;7:67-70.

  • Kashou A.H., Rowland D.C., Greydanus D. Granulomatosis with polyangiitis Chronic Disease and Disability: The Pediatric Lung. 2018:265-272.

  • Manzardo A.M., Loker J., Heinemann J., Loker C., Butler M.G. Genetics in Medicine. 2018;20:24-30.

  • Maravelas R., Gregoire-Bottex M. Primary ciliary dyskinesia Chronic Disease and Disability: The Pediatric Lung. 2018:251-264.

  • Matytsina-Quinlan L., Greydanus D.E., Babenko-Sorocopud I.V., Gwatkin L. Anorexia nervosa in adolescence: International perspectives on medical and psychological assessment and management Chronic Disease and Disability: The Pediatric Gastrointestinal Tract. 2018:383-401.

  • Matytsina-Quinlan L., Mahto M., Greydanus D.E., Gwatkin L. Incidental Oral hairy leucoplakia (OHL) in a healthy asymptomatic individual Childhood and Adolescence: Tribute to Emanuel Chigier, 1928-2017. 2018:215-221.

  • Mirza F.N., Mirza H.N., Greydanus D.E. Dermatological manifestations of pancreatic disorders Chronic Disease and Disability: The Pediatric Gastrointestinal Tract. 2018:267-281.

  • Nossair F., Schoettler P., Starr J., Chan A.K.C., Kirov I., Paes B., Mahajerin A. Pediatric Blood and Cancer. 2018;65(9)

  • Omar H. About the Division of Adolescent Medicine, Kentucky Children'S Hospital at the University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky, United States of America Multiple Sclerosis in Children and Adolescents. 2018:175-180.

  • Omar H. About the division of adolescent medicine, Kentucky children's hospital at the University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky, United States Building Youth for the Future: A Path towards Suicide Prevention. 2018:249-253.

  • Omar H. Introduction Multiple Sclerosis in Children and Adolescents. 2018:xxiii-xxiv.

  • Omar H. The annual "stop youth suicide" conference, Lexington, Kentucky, United States Building Youth for the Future: A Path towards Suicide Prevention. 2018:255-256.

  • Omar H., Chalkley J. Multiple sclerosis in children and adolescents Multiple Sclerosis in Children and Adolescents. 2018:1-202.

  • Omar H., Chalkley J. Preface Multiple Sclerosis in Children and Adolescents. 2018:xxv-xxx.

  • Omar H.A., Merrick J. Building Youth for the Future: A Path towards Suicide Prevention Building Youth for the Future: A Path towards Suicide Prevention. 2018:1-278.

  • Omar H.A., Merrick J. Teens and suicide Building Youth for the Future: A Path towards Suicide Prevention. 2018:3-29.

  • Pade K., Seik-Ismail S., Chang T., Wang V. Journal of Asthma. 2018;55(7):811-815.

  • Patel D., Brown K., Greydanus D. Pharmacotherapy of anxiety disorders in children and adolescents Chronic Disease and Disability: The Pediatric Gastrointestinal Tract. 2018:411-421.

  • Patel D., Pratt H. Encopresis Chronic Disease and Disability: The Pediatric Gastrointestinal Tract. 2018:91-100.

  • Patel D.R., Agnetta A. Malnutrition Chronic Disease and Disability: The Pediatric Gastrointestinal Tract. 2018:363-370.

  • Patel D.R., Apple R., Kanungo S., Akkal A. Intellectual disability: Definitions, evaluation and principles of treatment Pediatric Medicine. 2018;1

  • Patel D.R., Apple R., Kanungo S., Akkal A. Intellectual disability: Definitions, evaluation and principles of treatment Pediatric Medicine. 2018;1

  • Patel D.R., Feucht C., Brown K., Ramsay J. Pharmacological treatment of anxiety disorders in children and adolescents: A review for practitioners Translational Pediatrics. 2018;7:23-35.

  • Patel D.R., Omar H.A., Merrick J. Anxiety and depression in young athletes Building Youth for the Future: A Path towards Suicide Prevention. 2018:137-155.

  • Patel D.R., Omar H.A., Merrick J. Anxiety and depression in young athletes Building Youth for the Future: A Path towards Suicide Prevention. 2018:137-155.

  • Samuel S., Karpawich P., Scheurer-Monaghan A. A unique case of facial dysmorphism in an infant NeoReviews. 2018;19(2):e127-e129.

  • Schmalz M., Joysula M., Staddon J., Feinberg A. Caspofungin resistant disseminated candidiasis in a 7-year-old girl with T cell lymphoma: A case report Translational Pediatrics. 2018;7:63-66.

  • Siuba M., Patel D.R., Guilonard K., Pratt H.D. Behavioral aspects of chronic illness Chronic Disease and Disability: The Pediatric Lung. 2018:387-396.

  • Siuba M., Patel D.R., Guilonard K., Pratt H.D. Behavioral aspects of chronic illness Chronic Disease and Disability: The Pediatric Gastrointestinal Tract. 2018:407-410.

  • Soares N., Evans T., Patel D.R. Specific learning disability in mathematics: A comprehensive review Translational Pediatrics. 2018;7:48-62.

  • Wyatt K., Cooper J., Scott K., Broomall E., Altaf S., Hogan M., Rodriguez V., Khan S. Journal of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology. 2018;40(2):152-155.

  • Apple R.W. The psychological impact of motor vehicle crashes (MVC) on children and adolescents Children and Youth: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and Motor Vehicle Crashes. 2017:119-133.

  • Behrle N., Birisci E., Anderson J., Schroeder S., Dalabih A. Intranasal dexmedetomidine as a sedative for pediatric procedural sedation Journal of Pediatric Pharmacology and Therapeutics. 2017;22(1):4-8.

  • Brown K.A., Dewoolkar A.V., Baker N., Dodich C. The female athlete triad: Special considerations for adolescent female athletes Translational Pediatrics. 2017;6:144-149.

  • Brown K.A., Patel D.R., Darmawan D. Participation in sports in relation to adolescent growth and development Translational Pediatrics. 2017;6:150-159.

  • Butler M.G., Manzardo A.M., Heinemann J., Loker C., Loker J. Genetics in Medicine. 2017;19:635-642.

  • Bystrom P.V., Beck R.J., Prahlow J.A. Forensic Science, Medicine, and Pathology. 2017;13:240-244.

  • Damashek A., Corlis M. Journal of Pediatric Psychology. 2017;42(7):727-737.

  • Greydanus D., Gregoire-Bottex M., Merrick J. International Journal of Adolescent Medicine and Health. 2017;29

  • Greydanus D.E. The killing fields on the roads: Can we protect the teen driver? Children and Youth: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and Motor Vehicle Crashes. 2017:25-75.

  • Greydanus D.E., Apple R.W., White K., Merrick J. Children and youth: Post-traumatic stress disorder and motor vehicle crashes Children and Youth: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and Motor Vehicle Crashes. 2017:1-237.

  • Greydanus D.E., Apple R.W., White K., Merrick J. Preface Children and Youth: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and Motor Vehicle Crashes. 2017:xvi-xvii.

  • Greydanus D.E., Hawver E.K., Merrick J. Tragedy of sibling abuse of children with disabilities Child Abuse: Children with Disabilities. 2017:101-107.

  • Greydanus D.E., Merrick J. Cannabis or marijuana Cannabis: Medical Aspects. 2017:27-61.

  • Greydanus D.E., Merrick J. Introduction to post-traumatic stress disorder and motor vehicle crashes in children and adolescents: A historically delayed realization Children and Youth: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and Motor Vehicle Crashes. 2017:3-22.

  • Greydanus D.E., Merrick J. Post-traumatic stress disorder and motor vehicle crashes in children and adolescents: What does the future hold? Children and Youth: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and Motor Vehicle Crashes. 2017:197-204.

  • Henry B., Agarwal A., Chow E., Omar H.A., Merrick J. Cannabis: Medical aspects Cannabis: Medical Aspects. 2017:1-265.

  • Henry B., Agarwal A., Chow E., Omar H.A., Merrick J. Foreword: Medical Cannabis: To use or not to use? Cannabis: Medical Aspects. 2017:xvii-xix.

  • Howell C., Fakhoury J. A case of Raoultella planticola causing a urinary tract infection in a pediatric patient Translational Pediatrics. 2017;6:102-103.

  • Howell C., Scott K., Patel D.R. Sports participation recommendations for patients with bleeding disorders Translational Pediatrics. 2017;6:174-180.

  • Jones P., Croffie J. Retroperitoneal lipoblastoma causing chronic constipation in a young boy Annals of Pediatric Surgery. 2017;13(1):59-61.

  • Kuhn J., Corlis M., Damashek A. Assessment, early intervention and evidence-based treatments for posttraumatic stress disorder in children following motor vehicle accidents Children and Youth: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and Motor Vehicle Crashes. 2017:135-152.

  • Merrick J., Greydanus D. Disability around the world International Journal on Disability and Human Development. 2017;16:125-126.

  • Myers A.M., Beam N.W., Fakhoury J. Resistance training for children and adolescents Translational Pediatrics. 2017;6:137-143.

  • Palusci V.J., Nazer D., Greydanus D.E., Merrick J. Child abuse: Children with disabilities Child Abuse: Children with Disabilities. 2017:1-301.

  • Palusci V.J., Nazer D., Greydanus D.E., Merrick J. Children with disabilities Child Abuse: Children with Disabilities. 2017:3-20.

  • Patel D. Preface Translational Pediatrics. 2017;6:113.

  • Patel D., Breisach S. Evaluation and management of shoulder pain in skeletally immature athletes Translational Pediatrics. 2017;6:181-189.

  • Patel D., Fidrocki D., Parachuri V. Sport-related concussions in adolescent athletes: A critical public health problem for which prevention remains an elusive goal Translational Pediatrics. 2017;6:114-120.

  • Patel D., Villalobos A. Evaluation and management of knee pain in young athletes: Overuse injuries of the knee Translational Pediatrics. 2017;6:190-198.

  • Patel D., Yamasaki A., Brown K. Epidemiology of sports-related musculoskeletal injuries in young athletes in United States Translational Pediatrics. 2017;6:160-166.

  • Patel D.R., Brown K.A. Conceptual framework and definitions of disability: An overview Child Abuse: Children with Disabilities. 2017:69-78.

  • Patel D.R., Kinsella E. Evaluation and management of lower back pain in young athletes Translational Pediatrics. 2017;6:225-235.

  • Patel D.R., Parachuri V., Shettigar A. Evaluation and management of sport-related concussions in adolescent athletes Translational Pediatrics. 2017;6:121-128.

  • Patel D.R., Soares N., Wells K. Neurodevelopmental readiness of children for participation in sports Translational Pediatrics. 2017;6:167-173.

  • Raj V.M.S., Patel D.R., Ramachandran L. Chronic kidney disease and sports participation by children and adolescents Translational Pediatrics. 2017;6:207-214.

  • Rolland D.C.M., Basrur V., Jeon Y.K., McNeil-Schwalm C., Fermin D., Conlon K., Zhou Y., Ng S., Tsou C.C., Brown N.A., Thomas D.G., Bailey N.G., Omenn G.S., Nesvizhskii A.I., Root D.E., Weinstock D.M., Faryabi R.B., Lim M.S., Elenitoba-Johnson K.S.J. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2017;114(25):6581-6586.

  • Rostad W., McFry E., Self-Brown S., Damashek A., Whitaker D. Reducing Safety Hazards in the Home through the Use of an Evidence-Based Parenting Program Journal of Child and Family Studies. 2017;26(9):2602-2609.

  • Schmehil C., Halas R., Malhotra D., Loker J. Clinical Pediatrics. 2017;56:1263-1265.

  • Schmehil C., Malhotra D., Patel D. Cardiac screening to prevent sudden death in young athletes Translational Pediatrics. 2017;6:199-206.

  • Soares N., Baum R., Patel D. International journal of medical education. 2017;8:396-399.

  • Soltys F., Harmon H. A preterm neonate with severe respiratory distress and hydrops NeoReviews. 2017;18(9):e549-e551.

  • Strasburger V.C., Greydanus D.E. Common clinical situations: A resource for practical care and exam review Adolescent Medicine: State of the Art Reviews. 2017;28:1-222.

  • Wasserman R., Anderson B., Schwartz D. Illness-specifi c risk-taking in adolescence: A missing piece of the nonadherence puzzle for youth with type 1 diabetes? Diabetes Spectrum. 2017;30(1):3-10.

  • Whelan H., Harmelink M., Chou E., Sallowm D., Khan N., Patil R., Sannagowdara K., Kim J.H., Chen W.L., Khalil S., Bajic I., Keval A., Greydanus D. Disease-a-Month. 2017;63:5-23.

  • White K. Assessment of posttraumatic stress disorder in children and adolescents subsequent to motor vehicle crash Children and Youth: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and Motor Vehicle Crashes. 2017:91-105.

  • White K. Demographics Children and Youth: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and Motor Vehicle Crashes. 2017:77-89.

  • Apple R. Barriers and facilitators influencing the diabetes treatment regimen for adolescents Chronic Disease and Disability: The Pediatric Pancreas. 2016:301-307.

  • Apple R. Psychosocial adaptation to chronic illness and disability for children and adolescents: A global perspective Chronic Disease and Disability: The Pediatric Heart. 2016:169-181.

  • Apple R., White K. Physician use of brief counseling models in a pediatric outpatient setting Chronic Disease and Disability: The Pediatric Heart. 2016:183-195.

  • Apple R.W. Barriers to care Diabetes Mellitus: Childhood and Adolescence. 2016:137-146.

  • Apple R.W. Coping and adaptation to a disability Diabetes Mellitus: Childhood and Adolescence. 2016:113-136.

  • Apple R.W. Coping and adaptation to chronic illness and disability for children and adolescents: Focus on type 1 diabetes Chronic Disease and Disability: The Pediatric Pancreas. 2016:283-300.

  • Apple R.W., White K. Physicians use of brief counseling models in a pediatric outpatient setting Chronic Disease and Disability: The Pediatric Pancreas. 2016:269-281.

  • Bargiel-Matusiewicz K., Omar H.A. Coping with stress Public Health: Some International Aspects. 2016:125-134.

  • Beck J., Truong T., Stains C. ACS Chemical Biology. 2016;11(12):3284-3288.

  • Bovid K., Patel D. Orthopaedic considerations Health Care for People with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Across the Lifespan. 2016:1107-1122.

  • Briggs A., Sadhir M., Todd M., Omar H.A. Effect of metformin on body mass index in adolescent females with polycystic ovary syndrome Journal of Pain Management. 2016;9(1):35-38.

  • Burnett A., Omar H. Sexually transmitted disease: Syphilis Sexuality: Some International Aspects. 2016:69-72.

  • Chung P., Kanungo S., Patel D.R. Hearing impairment Health Care for People with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Across the Lifespan. 2016:1179-1196.

  • Desai P., Patel D.R. Unilateral versus sequential cochlear implants in children Children and Childhood: Some International Aspects. 2016:35-40.

  • Feucht C., Patel D.R., Bovid K.M. Principles of pharmacology Health Care for People with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Across the Lifespan. 2016:1825-1842.

  • Greydanus D. Intellectual disability and sleep Public Health: Some International Aspects. 2016:257-282.

  • Greydanus D., Calles J., Patel D., Nazeer A., Merrick J. Clinical aspects of psychopharmacology in childhood and adolescence, second edition Clinical Aspects of Psychopharmacology in Childhood and Adolescence, Second Edition. 2016:1-325.

  • Greydanus D., Feinberg A., Feucht C. Enuresis Chronic Disease and Disability: The Pediatric Pancreas. 2016:227-239.

  • Greydanus D., Leonov A., Feucht C. Concepts of metabolic disorders Chronic Disease and Disability: The Pediatric Pancreas. 2016:175-198.

  • Greydanus D., Malhotra D., Merrick J. Chronic disease and disability: The pediatric heart Chronic Disease and Disability: The Pediatric Heart. 2016:1-243.

  • Greydanus D., Merrick J. Smith-Magenis syndrome Health Care for People with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Across the Lifespan. 2016:821-825.

  • Greydanus D., Palusci V., Merrick J. Chronic disease and disability: Abuse and neglect in childhood and adolescence Chronic Disease and Disability: Abuse and Neglect in Childhood and Adolescence. 2016:1-188.

  • Greydanus D., Patel D. About the department of pediatric and adolescent medicine, western michigan university Homer Stryker 六合彩开奖直播 school of medicine (WMED), Kalamazoo, Michigan USA Chronic Disease and Disability: The Pediatric Pancreas. 2016:325-326.

  • Greydanus D., Pratt H. Chronic disease and the dying adolescent Chronic Disease and Disability: The Pediatric Heart. 2016:197-207.

  • Greydanus D., Pratt H., Pryson M. Angelman syndrome Health Care for People with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Across the Lifespan. 2016:815-819.

  • Greydanus D., Pratt H., Pryson M. Other syndromes: Lowe syndrome Health Care for People with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Across the Lifespan. 2016:883-885.

  • Greydanus D., Pratt H., Pryson M. Other syndromes: Nager syndrome Health Care for People with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Across the Lifespan. 2016:887-889.

  • Greydanus D., Pratt H., Pryson M. Other syndromes: Sturge-Weber syndrome Health Care for People with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Across the Lifespan. 2016:891-894.

  • Greydanus D.E. Immunizations and the protection of our children Children and Childhood: Some International Aspects. 2016:201-240.

  • Greydanus D.E. Sleep disorders in children and adolescents Clinical Aspects of Psychopharmacology in Childhood and Adolescence, Second Edition. 2016:217-252.

  • Greydanus D.E. Substance use disorders in adolescents: Pharmacologic management Clinical Aspects of Psychopharmacology in Childhood and Adolescence, Second Edition. 2016:261-276.

  • Greydanus D.E. Tic disorders in children and adolescents: Principles of psychopharmacologic management Clinical Aspects of Psychopharmacology in Childhood and Adolescence, Second Edition. 2016:149-172.

  • Greydanus D.E., Hawver E.K., Merrick J. Tragedy of sibling abuse: Convergence of fiction, research, and the reality of human nature Chronic Disease and Disability: Abuse and Neglect in Childhood and Adolescence. 2016:103-109.

  • Greydanus D.E., Kamboj M.K., Merrick J. Chronic disease and disability: The pediatric pancreas Chronic Disease and Disability: The Pediatric Pancreas. 2016:1-363.

  • Greydanus D.E., Kamboj M.K., Merrick J. Preface Chronic Disease and Disability: The Pediatric Pancreas. 2016:xvii-xviii.

  • Greydanus D.E., Merrick J. Child sexual abuse perspectives Chronic Disease and Disability: Abuse and Neglect in Childhood and Adolescence. 2016:111-120.

  • Greydanus D.E., Merrick J. Diabetes mellitus: A medical history journey Diabetes Mellitus: A Medical History Journey. 2016:1-93.

  • Greydanus D.E., Merrick J. Medical history: Some perspectives Medical History: Some Perspectives. 2016:1-216.

  • Greydanus D.E., Merrick J. Pediatric psychopharmacology: Perspectives of history Clinical Aspects of Psychopharmacology in Childhood and Adolescence, Second Edition. 2016:19-48.

  • Greydanus D.E., Merrick J. Pediatric psychopharmacology: Quo vadis, where do we go from here? Clinical Aspects of Psychopharmacology in Childhood and Adolescence, Second Edition. 2016:279-289.

  • Greydanus D.E., Merrick J. Perspectives on incest: A perplexing paradox characterized by destructive betrayal of trust Chronic Disease and Disability: Abuse and Neglect in Childhood and Adolescence. 2016:121-138.

  • Greydanus D.E., Merrick J. Promethean progress in understanding the pediatric heart: From the ancient Egyptian heart and the aristotelian heart to the 20<sup>th</sup> century heart with the blalock-taussig shunt: Standing on the shoulders of giants Chronic Disease and Disability: The Pediatric Heart. 2016:3-38.

  • Greydanus D.E., Merrick J. The story of diabetes mellitus: Many millennia of mix-up mystification, neoteric near-misses, and finally triumph of persistant probing! Chronic Disease and Disability: The Pediatric Pancreas. 2016:3-49.

  • Greydanus D.E., Merrick J. Cannabis or marijuana: A review Journal of Pain Management. 2016;9:347-373.

  • Greydanus D.E., Merrick J. From nicander of Colophon, Ludwig van Beethoven, Vincent van Gogh, and now the children of Flint, Michigan, United States: The long, lethal legacy of lead neurotoxicity tragically lingers Journal of Pain Management. 2016;9:23-31.

  • Greydanus D.E., Merrick J. Post-traumatic stress disorder and motor vehicle accidents Journal of Pain Management. 2016;9:3-7.

  • Greydanus D.E., Patel D.R., Dodich C., Omar H.A., Merrick J. Pediatric pain Pediatric Pain: Current Aspects. 2016:3-7.

  • Greydanus D.E., Patel D.R., Dodich C., Omar H.A., Merrick J. Perspectives on Pediatric Pain Journal of Pain Management. 2016;9:75-78.

  • Greydanus D.E., Pratt H.D. Chronic disease and the dying adolescent Chronic Disease and Disability: The Pediatric Pancreas. 2016:309-320.

  • Greydanus D.E., Pratt H.D. Disability, chronic disease and death Diabetes Mellitus: Childhood and Adolescence. 2016:147-162.

  • Greydanus D.E., Pratt H.D. Normal sexuality in childhood and adolescence Chronic Disease and Disability: Abuse and Neglect in Childhood and Adolescence. 2016:23-62.

  • Greydanus D.E., Pratt H.D., Merrick J. Sexuality in childhood and adolescence Sexuality: Some International Aspects. 2016:1-32.

  • Greydanus D.E., Pratt H.D., Patel D.R. American adolescents in the workplace: Exploration of health- related psychosocial issues New Directions in Organizational Psychology and Behavioral Medicine. 2016:123-138.

  • Greydanus D.E., Pratt H.D., Patel D.R. American adolescents in the workplace: Exploration of health- related psychosocial issues New Directions in Organizational Psychology and Behavioral Medicine. 2016:123-138.

  • Halas R., Kuchipudi Y., Fountain-Dommer R. Cyanotic congenital heart lesions Chronic Disease and Disability: The Pediatric Heart. 2016:115-127.

  • Henry B., Agarwal A., Chow E., Omar H.A., Merrick J. Medical cannabis: Miracle or myth? Journal of Pain Management. 2016;9(4):341-343.

  • Iddings A., Omar H.A. Dysfunctional uterine bleeding and adolescents using etonogestrel (ENG) implant Sexuality: Some International Aspects. 2016:63-68.

  • Jones P.M., Rosenman M.B., Pfefferkorn M.D., Rescorla F.J., Bennett W.E. Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition. 2016;63(1):71-75.

  • Joychan S., Kazi R., Patel D. Psychosomatic pain Pediatric Pain: Current Aspects. 2016:109-115.

  • Joychan S., Kazi R., Patel D. Psychosomatic pain in children and adolescents Journal of Pain Management. 2016;9:155-160.

  • Kamboj M.K., Greydanus D.E., Bricker L.A. Transition of pediatric endocrine patients to adult care Chronic Disease and Disability: The Pediatric Pancreas. 2016:241-256.

  • Kamboj M.K., Greydanus D.E., Bricker L.A. Transition to adult care Diabetes Mellitus: Childhood and Adolescence. 2016:89-110.

  • Kamboj M.K., Greydanus D.E., Merrick J. Diabetes mellitus: Childhood and adolescence Diabetes Mellitus: Childhood and Adolescence. 2016:1-202.

  • McWay M., Dodich C. Otolaryngology Health Care for People with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Across the Lifespan. 2016:1197-1205.

  • Merrick J., Greydanus D.E. Sexuality some international aspects Sexuality: Some International Aspects. 2016:1-163.

  • Merrick J., Greydanus D.E., Kamboj M.K. Childhood, adolescence and diabetes Diabetes Mellitus: Childhood and Adolescence. 2016:3-8.

  • Merrick J., Greydanus D.E., Palusci V.J. Abuse and maltreatment over time Chronic Disease and Disability: Abuse and Neglect in Childhood and Adolescence. 2016:3-19.

  • Mirza F., Leonov A., Greydanus D. Vaccines and dermatological side effects Pediatric Pain: Current Aspects. 2016:97-107.

  • Mirza F., Leonov A., Greydanus D. Dermatological side effects to certain vaccines Journal of Pain Management. 2016;9:147-154.

  • Mirza F.N., Mirza H.N., Greydanus D.E. Dermatological manifestations of pancreatic disorders Chronic Disease and Disability: The Pediatric Pancreas. 2016:211-226.

  • Mirza F.N., Mirza H.N., Greydanus D.E. Dermatology and endocrinology Diabetes Mellitus: Childhood and Adolescence. 2016:67-88.

  • Nadella S., Patel D. Neuropathic pain in children and adolescents Pediatric Pain: Current Aspects. 2016:19-23.

  • Nadella S., Patel D. Neuropathic pain pediatrics: An introductory overview Journal of Pain Management. 2016;9:87-90.

  • Omar H. Positive Youth Development, Part 3. Youth Suicide Prevention Is Everybody's Business Journal of Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology. 2016;29(1):77-78.

  • Omar H.A., Patel D.R., Greydanus D.E., Merrick J. Pediatric pain: Current aspects Pediatric Pain: Current Aspects. 2016:1-186.

  • Patel D., Brown K., Greydanus D. Anxiety disorders in children and adolescents Clinical Aspects of Psychopharmacology in Childhood and Adolescence, Second Edition. 2016:117-127.

  • Patel D., Greydanus D. About the department of pediatric and adolescent medicine, western michigan university homer stryker 六合彩开奖直播 school of medicine (WMED), Kalamazoo, Michigan USA Diabetes Mellitus: Childhood and Adolescence. 2016:173-176.

  • Patel D., Greydanus D., Merrick J., Rubin I. Introduction to intellectual and developmental disabilities Health Care for People with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Across the Lifespan. 2016:5-12.

  • Patel D.R. Juvenile fibromyalgia Pediatric Pain: Current Aspects. 2016:11-17.

  • Patel D.R., Brown K.A. Juvenile Fibromyalgia Journal of Pain Management. 2016;9:81-86.

  • Patel D.R., Greydanus D.E. Pharmacological agents for smoking cessation Clinical Aspects of Psychopharmacology in Childhood and Adolescence, Second Edition. 2016:253-260.

  • Patel D.R., Joychan S., Govender M. Thoracolumbar back pain and adolescents Pediatric Pain: Current Aspects. 2016:39-48.

  • Patel D.R., Joychan S., Govender M. Thoracolumbar back pain in adolescents Journal of Pain Management. 2016;9:103-110.

  • Patel D.R., Moore M.D. Rheumatologic pain Pediatric Pain: Current Aspects. 2016:69-76.

  • Patel D.R., Moore M.D. Rheumatologic pain in adolescents Journal of Pain Management. 2016;9:125-130.

  • Patel D.R., Raj V.M.S. Athletes with chronic renal diseases Fluid Balance, Hydration, and Athletic Performance. 2016:315-332.

  • Patel D.R., Taylor C.M. Developmental and functional evaluation and assessment Health Care for People with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Across the Lifespan. 2016:595-616.

  • Patel N., Lane-Davies A. Hip pain in a child Children and Childhood: Some International Aspects. 2016:107-110.

  • Pratt H.D., Greydanus D.E. The adolescent sexual perpetrator Chronic Disease and Disability: Abuse and Neglect in Childhood and Adolescence. 2016:139-150.

  • Raj V., Greydanus D. Hypertension in children: A review Chronic Disease and Disability: The Pediatric Pancreas. 2016:157-174.

  • Rodrigues J., Caruthers C., Azmeh R., Dykewicz M.S., Slavin R.G., Knutsen A.P. Expert Review of Clinical Immunology. 2016;12(5):531-550.

  • Rubin I., Greydanus D., Merrick J., Patel D. Health care for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities across the lifespan Health Care for People with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Across the Lifespan. 2016:1-2307.

  • Sankar Raj V., Greydanus D. Hypertension in pediatrics: A review Chronic Disease and Disability: The Pediatric Heart. 2016:129-146.

  • Siuba M., Patel D.R., Guilonard K., Pratt H.D. Behavioral aspects of chronic illness Chronic Disease and Disability: The Pediatric Pancreas. 2016:259-267.

  • Smith A.L., Garwood C.L., Bailey T., DeCator D., Elder J., Green A., Kostoff D., Lucarotti R.L., MacDonald N.C., Malburg D., Ottney A., Remington T.L., Shuster J. American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy. 2016;73(23):1909-1914.

  • Soares N.S., Graf T., Patel D.R. Healthcare utilization and costs for individuals with disabilities Health Care for People with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Across the Lifespan. 2016:2035-2052.

  • Stahl M.A., Greydanus D.E., Truba N., Cates K., Pratt H.D. Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender and sexuality Sexuality: Some International Aspects. 2016:91-107.

  • Stockburger S., Sadhir M., Omar H.A. Phantom limb pain Pediatric Pain: Current Aspects. 2016:117-120.

  • Stockburger S., Sadhir M., Omar H.A. Phantom limb pain Journal of Pain Management. 2016;9(2):161-164.

  • Stockburger S.J., Omar H.A. Women鈥檚 health Health Care for People with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Across the Lifespan. 2016:1349-1358.

  • Wasserman R., Anderson B., Schwartz D. Screening of Neurocognitive and executive functioning in children, adolescents, and young adults with type 1 diabetes Diabetes Spectrum. 2016;29(4):202-210.

  • Wasserman R., Holmbeck G. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society. 2016;22(8):804-815.

  • Wasserman R.M., Stoner A.M., Stern A., Holmbeck G.N. Topics in Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation. 2016;22(4):253-259.

  • Zhao J., Nelson T., Vu Q., Truong T., Stains C. ACS Chemical Biology. 2016;11(1):132-138.

  • Apple R. Concepts of psychosomatic conditions Behavioral Pediatrics: Fourth Edition. 2015:291-302.

  • Cabral M., Siqueira L.M. Journal of Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology. 2015;28(6):e203-e207.

  • Chung P., Patel D.R. Dysgraphia Behavioral Pediatrics: Fourth Edition. 2015:103-115.

  • Dewoolkar A., Patel N.D., Dodich C. Iron deficiency in adolescent athletes Adolescence and Health: Some International Perspectives. 2015:225-236.

  • Dodich C., Patel S., Williams A. Teenage pregnancy: Prenatal drug exposure International Public Health Journal. 2015;7:237-248.

  • Ergun-Longmire B., Maclaren N.K. Autoimmune Endocrine Disorders Endocrinology: Adult and Pediatric. 2015;2-2:2549-2565.e5.

  • Greydanus D., Calles J., Merrick J. Introduction to mental and holistic health Mental and Holistic Health: Some International Perspectives. 2015:3-8.

  • Greydanus D., Calles J., Merrick J. Mental and holistic health some international perspectives Mental and Holistic Health: Some International Perspectives. 2015:1-192.

  • Greydanus D., Feinberg A., Feucht C. Enuresis Chronic Disease and Disability: The Pediatric Kidney. 2015:113-126.

  • Greydanus D., Feinberg A., Feucht C. Enuresis Behavioral Pediatrics: Fourth Edition. 2015:385-398.

  • Greydanus D., Feucht C. Adolescence and metabolic disorders Chronic Disease and Disability: The Pediatric Kidney. 2015:127-150.

  • Greydanus D., Patel D. About the department of pediatric and adolescent medicine, western michigan university homer stryker md school of medicine (WMED), Kalamazoo, Michigan USA Mental and Holistic Health: Some International Perspectives. 2015:173-174.

  • Greydanus D., Raj V., Merrick J. Chronic disease and disability: The pediatric kidney Chronic Disease and Disability: The Pediatric Kidney. 2015:1-268.

  • Greydanus D.E., Dodich C. Current Opinion in Pediatrics. 2015;27:92-99.

  • Greydanus D.E., Gibson K. Tic disorders Behavioral Pediatrics: Fourth Edition. 2015:341-352.

  • Greydanus D.E., Kaplan G., Baxter L.E., Patel D.R., Feucht C.L. Disease-a-Month. 2015;61:118-175.

  • Greydanus D.E., Kaplan G., Patel D.R. Pharmacology of autism spectrum disorder The Molecular Basis of Autism. 2015:173-193.

  • Greydanus D.E., Kaplan G., Patel D.R. Pharmacology of Autism Spectrum Disorder Contemporary Clinical Neuroscience. 2015:173-193.

  • Greydanus D.E., Kaplan G., Patel D.R. Pharmacology of Autism Spectrum Disorder Contemporary Clinical Neuroscience. 2015:173-193.

  • Greydanus D.E., Master Sankar Raj V., Merrick J. Pediatric Nephrology in Primary Care: The Forest for the Trees Frontiers in Public Health. 2015;3

  • Greydanus D.E., Moore M.D., Feucht C. Adolescence and rheumatoid disorders Chronic Disease and Disability: The Pediatric Kidney. 2015:151-178.

  • Greydanus D.E., Patel D.R., Pratt H.D., Calles J.L., Nazeer A., Merrick J. Behavioral pediatrics: Fourth edition Behavioral Pediatrics: Fourth Edition. 2015:1-692.

  • Greydanus D.E., Patel D.R., Pratt H.D., Calles J.L., Nazeer A., Merrick J. Preface: Behavioral pediatrics: Dilemmas, challenges, and faith in the future Behavioral Pediatrics: Fourth Edition. 2015:xxv-xxxiii.

  • Greydanus D.E., Pratt H.D. Childhood and adolescent sexuality Behavioral Pediatrics: Fourth Edition. 2015:413-438.

  • Greydanus D.E., Pratt H.D. Chronic disease and the dying adolescent Chronic Disease and Disability: The Pediatric Kidney. 2015:221-232.

  • Greydanus D.E., Pratt H.D. Predicting, assessing, and treating self-harm in adolescents Psychiatric Times. 2015;32

  • Greydanus D.E., Raj V.M.S., Merrick J. From the kition, cyprus and aristotelian kidney to the 21<sup>st</sup> century pediatric kidney: Standing on the shoulders of giants Chronic Disease and Disability: The Pediatric Kidney. 2015:3-26.

  • Greydanus D.E., Reed W.J., Hawver E.K. Substance use and abuse in adolescents Behavioral Pediatrics: Fourth Edition. 2015:497-535.

  • Haggerty R.J., Davis G.C., Merrick J., Dodich C.B., Chrousos G.P. Foreword Behavioral Pediatrics: Fourth Edition. 2015:xvii-xxiv.

  • Jones P., Subbarao G. Journal of pediatric gastroenterology and nutrition. 2015;60(5):e40.

  • Kuhn J., Damashek A. Injury Prevention. 2015;21(1):30-34.

  • Leung W., Shaffer C.D., Reed L.K., Smith S.T., Barshop W., Dirkes W., Dothager M., Lee P., Wong J., Xiong D., Yuan H., Bedard J.E.J., Machone J.F., Patterson S.D., Price A.L., Turner B.A., Robic S., Luippold E.K., McCartha S.R., Walji T.A., Walker C.A., Saville K., Abrams M.K., Armstrong A.R., Armstrong W., Bailey R.J., Barberi C.R., Beck L.R., Blaker A.L., Blunden C.E., Brand J.P., Brock E.J., Brooks D.W., Brown M., Butzler S.C., Clark E.M., Clark N.B., Collins A.A., Cotteleer R.J., Cullimore P.R., Dawson S.G., Docking C.T., Dorsett S.L., Dougherty G.A., Downey K.A., Drake A.P., Earl E.K., Floyd T.G., Forsyth J.D., Foust J.D., Franchi S.L., Geary J.F., Hanson C.K., Harding T.S., Harris C.B., Heckman J.M., Holderness H.L., Howey N.A., Jacobs D.A., Jewell E.S., Kaisler M., Karaska E.A., Kehoe J.L., Koaches H.C., Koehler J., Koenig D., Kujawski A.J., Kus J.E., Lammers J.A., Leads R.R., Leatherman E.C., Lippert R.N., Messenger G.S., Morrow A.T., NewcombVictoria H.J., Plasman , Potocny S.J., Powers M.K., Reem R.M., Rennhack J.P., Reynolds K.R., Reynolds L.A., Rhee D.K., Rivard A.B., Ronk A.J., Rooney M.B., Rubin L.S., Salbert L.R., Saluja R.K., Schauder T., Schneiter A.R., Schulz R.W., Smith K.E., Spencer S., Swanson B.R., Tache M.A., Tewilliager A.A., Tilot A.K., VanEck E., Villerot M.M. G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics. 2015;5(5):719-740.

  • Li Q.Y., Berry R.B., Goetting M.G., Staley B., Soto-Calderon H., Tsai S.C., Jasko J.G., Pack A.I., Kuna S.T. Sleep. 2015;38:597-605.

  • Matytsina L., Greydanus D.E., Babenko-Sorocopud I.V. Anorexia nervosa in adolescence Adolescence and Health: Some International Perspectives. 2015:185-204.

  • Merrick J., Patel D.R. A tribute to the pediatrician, professor donald E greydanus Child and Adolescent Health Issues (A Tribute to the Pediatrician Donald E Greydanus). 2015:1-7.

  • Merrick J., Stockburger S., Omar H.A. International Journal of Adolescent Medicine and Health. 2015;27(3):239-240.

  • Mirsky E., Omar H. Cyberbullying in adolescence Adolescence and Health: Some International Perspectives. 2015:83-86.

  • Omar H.A., Merrick J. International Journal of Adolescent Medicine and Health. 2015;27(1):1-2.

  • Patel D., Pratt H. Encopresis Behavioral Pediatrics: Fourth Edition. 2015:399-408.

  • Patel D.R., Merrick J., Siuba M. Intellectual developmental disorder Behavioral Pediatrics: Fourth Edition. 2015:77-87.

  • Pratt H., Greydanus D. Youth sexual offenders Behavioral Pediatrics: Fourth Edition. 2015:567-575.

  • Pratt H., Greydanus D., Laurent V. Learning disabilities Behavioral Pediatrics: Fourth Edition. 2015:89-101.

  • Raj V., Greydanus D. Hypertension in children: A review Chronic Disease and Disability: The Pediatric Kidney. 2015:189-208.

  • Raj V.M.S., Greydanus D.E., Dodich C. Renal disorders in adolescence Chronic Disease and Disability: The Pediatric Kidney. 2015:41-96.

  • Riebschleger J., Day A., Damashek A. Foster care youth share stories of trauma before, during, and after placement: Youth voices for building trauma-informed systems of care Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment and Trauma. 2015;24(4):339-360.

  • Saini Y., Proper S.P., Dornbos P., Greenwood K.K., Kopec A.K., Lynn S.G., Grier E., Burgoon L.D., Zacharewski T.R., Thomas R.S., Harkema J.R., LaPres J.J. PLoS ONE. 2015;10(9)

  • Sakou I.I., Psaltopoulou T., Sergentanis T.N., Karavanaki K., Karachaliou F., Ntanasis-Stathopoulos I., Tzanninis S., Sdogou T., Greydanus D., Tsitsika A. Journal of Pediatric Endocrinology and Metabolism. 2015;28:589-596.

  • Siuba M., Patel D.R., Guilonard K., Pratt H.D. Behavioral aspects of chronic illness Chronic Disease and Disability: The Pediatric Kidney. 2015:211-220.

  • Siuba M., Patel D.R., Guilonard K., Pratt H.D. Behavioral aspects of chronic illness Behavioral Pediatrics: Fourth Edition. 2015:65-74.

  • Soares N., Patel D.R. Dyscalculia Behavioral Pediatrics: Fourth Edition. 2015:117-131.

  • Stahl M.A., Greydanus D.E., Truba N., Cates K., Pratt H.D. Sexuality and the LGBT youth Behavioral Pediatrics: Fourth Edition. 2015:439-455.

  • Strasburger V.C., Greydanus D.E., Sigman G.S. Clinical Pediatrics. 2015;54:831-832.

  • Strollo P.J., Gillespie M.B., Soose R.J., Maurer J.T., De Vries N., Cornelius J., Hanson R.D., Padhya T.A., Steward D.L., Woodson B.T., Verbraecken J., Vanderveken O.M., Goetting M.G., Feldman N., Chabolle F., Badr M.S., Randerath W., Strohl K.P. Sleep. 2015;38:1593-1598C.

  • Swayampakula A.K., Ischander M., Zuppan C.W., Krishnan M., Tong K., Qureshi S. Newborn with congenital salivary gland anlage tumor presenting with respiratory distress International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology Extra. 2015;10:42-44.

  • Trzcieniecka-Green A., Bargiel-Matusiewicz K., Wilczy艅ska A., Omar H.A. Children with asthma: What about the quality of life of their parents? Child and Adolescent Health Issues (A Tribute to the Pediatrician Donald E Greydanus). 2015:113-119.

  • Tsitsika A., Janikian M., W贸jcik S., Makaruk K., Tzavela E., Tzavara C., Greydanus D., Merrick J., Richardson C. Cyberbullying victimization prevalence and associations with internalizing and externalizing problems among adolescents in six European countries Computers in Human Behavior. 2015;51:1-7.

  • Wasserman R., Hilliard M., Schwartz D., Anderson B. Current Diabetes Reports. 2015;15(8)

  • White K., Stahl M., Pratt H.D. Personality disorders in adolescents and children: A developmental perspective Behavioral Pediatrics: Fourth Edition. 2015:485-495.